Facial Injections Photos
Injections with lifting effect are modern procedures that allow to restore youth to the face and body.
They perfectly cope with the correction of age-related changes and rejuvenation.
For example, with the help of injections of hyaluronic acid, you can return the volume to the lips, smooth out wrinkles on the face, in the neck and decollete zone.
Botulinum toxin injections will relieve deep wrinkles between the eyebrows, around the eyes and on the forehead.
Rejuvenating injections for the face: what are they?
The following drugs and procedures are available:
- Botox – contour face plastic and botulinum. Designed to correct deficiencies, getting rid of facial wrinkles;
- Preparations with hyaluronic acid – contour plastics, biorevitalization. Hyaluronic acid improves the skin due to rejuvenation and hydration;
- Fillers with hyaluronic acid – lip correction, contour plastic. Designed to correct deficiencies, eliminate ptosis, age-related changes, fill volume, moisturize and nourish the skin;
- Cocktails with hyaluronic acid, minerals and vitamins – mesotherapy. The skin condition after the introduction of hyaluronic acid improves, the face rejuvenates;
- Filler Radiesse – rejuvenation Radiesse, contour plastic. Corrects defects, eliminates age defects, ptosis, fills wrinkles.
- Peptides and hyaluronic acid
Peptides are artificial protein substances that stimulate the regeneration of skin cells, as a result of which the epidermis is rejuvenated. They eliminate pigmentation, age defects.
Benefits of hyaluronic acid and peptides:
- Reduces the number of wrinkles / wrinkles;
- bruises under the eyes, peeling, small scars / scars disappear;
- The color and structure of the dermis improves – flabbiness decreases, dryness / oiliness disappears;
- Acids contribute to the recovery of the skin after intensive cosmetic procedures and sunburn.
The process of introduction of peptides and hyaluronic acid
First of all, the skin is lubricated with an anesthetic cream. Subcutaneous injections are then performed. Sometimes the result is noticeable in the first day after the procedure. The optimal course is 3-4 procedures, which are carried out with an interval of 2 weeks. In the future it is enough to introduce hyaluronic acid and peptides 1-2 times a year.Peptides in mesotherapy
Similar procedures are carried out without hyaluronic acid. They are aimed at eliminating fatty deposits, cellulite, reducing scarring, dilated pores, fat content of the face, as well as treatment of couperose.
Mesotherapy with peptides is carried out by courses – 4-5 procedures with an interval of 10 days.
Injection of hyaluronic acid
Fillers are drugs that are injected under the skin of the face and body. They fill wrinkles and create volume. The basis of most drugs is hyaluronic acid, a substance produced by the body itself.With age, its production is reduced, there are skin defects such as wrinkles, creases. Injections with hyaluronic acid fill the lost volume of this substance, than gradually return elasticity, a healthy complexion, rejuvenate it.
Injections of hyaluronic acid allow to make facial contouring, to change the face oval, to remove nasolabial folds, to correct the chin without surgery.
The first result is visible 1-4 days after the first procedure. For a full effect, 3-4 sessions are required with an interval of 2 weeks.Collagen injections for the face
Collagen, like hyaluronic acid, is a substance contained in the tissues of the human body. Collagen is a protein that can absorb and bind moisture, so that it strengthens and tones the tissues. After its introduction, the skin on the face becomes elastic, its structure improves, it is saturated with nutrients.
In a young body, hyaluronic acid and other substances are produced in sufficient quantities, but with age, production decreases, resulting in wrinkles. Collagen, like hyaluronic acid, is used to combat aging, to eliminate scars, contour plastic of the lip.
The effect becomes noticeable after an hour, so many people prefer collagen instead of hyaluronic acid. The injections of collagen, as in the use of hyaluronic acid, are used for shallow wrinkles; insufficient volume of lips / cheekbones; folds on the skin of the lower eyelid / in the region of the nasolabial triangle; irregular chin shape; excessive skin relief.Ozone Injection
Ozone therapy should be included in the treatment complex, for example, applied with hyaluronic acid. It will help with flabby, fading skin of the face, inflammatory processes (acne), couperose and even hair loss.
Ozone injections affect the causes of defects, respectively, are very effective. They stimulate redox processes, activating the functions of cells. Ozone renews and makes immunity work. Injections for the face do not just smooth the skin, but also rejuvenate it from the inside.Rejuvenate face courses lasting 5-10 procedures, depending on the skin condition and the desired result. A big ptos of injections is the almost complete absence of contraindications. They can be done even for pregnant women and adolescents. Injections of ozone for the face, like hyaluronic acid, allow to correct the skin, eliminate defects. In addition, with their help you can get rid of cellulite, dandruff and a number of fungal diseases of the skin.
Injections for face mineralization

74 Year Old Woman Treated For Loss Of Facial Volume With Sculptra By Doctor Stephen Prendiville, MD, Fort Myers Facial Plastic Surgeon
They actively affect the cells of the dermis, restoring them from the inside. You can rejuvenate your face with hyaluronic acid and vitamins for 7-10 sessions. Supporting courses take place every 1-2 years.
Injections of vitamins will allow to get rid of fine wrinkles, will make less appreciable large; Narrow pores; remove post-acne, pigmentation; moisturize the face for a long time; strengthen the vessels; tighten the skin.
Contraindications for hyaluronic acid and other substances
Such drugs are harmful in cases of allergy / intolerance to components; pregnancy and lactation; tendency to scarring; exacerbation of chronic ailments; diabetes, autoimmune diseases; Presence of defects in the facial skin at the intended site of treatment. After acid and other special preparations for the face may occur: allergies, itching, scars, puffiness, nausea, dizziness, bruising, joint pain.Recovery period is standard for all kinds of procedures, including acids:
- two days not to use makeup, do not touch / do not massage face;
- two weeks not to visit saunas, solariums, swimming pools, reduce physical activity;
apply antiseptics on face.
Let your face please you with its beauty and well-groomed!
Facial injections before and after Photos:
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- Botox On Chin Before And After Smooth Chin with Botox Neuromodulators (muscle relaxers) like Botox or Dysport can nicely smooth the dimpling you see on your chin when you smile. Lots of my patients feel this is their favorite area to...read more
- Botox Around Eyes Before And After Botox usage for Crow’s feet around the eyes Botox is an excellent treatment for the dynamic wrinkles at the sides of the eyes called Crow’s feet. Most people receive treatment every 3-4 months for this...read more
- Botox For Marionette Lines Before And After Botox Cosmetic for marionette lines Marionette lines are formed by a combination of a loss of facial volume, normal skin aging, and the presence of deep retaining ligaments attached to the skin. There are surgical...read more
- Botox Benefits Before & After The benefits of Botox in cosmetic medicine to decrease facial wrinkling are numerous: 1. Fast results 2. Affordable 3. Safe 4. Easy to administer 5. Long experience of use The only drawback to Botox from...read more
- Botox Before And After Crows Feet Botox is a muscle relaxer which will weaken injected muscle fibers and diminish their ability to crease the skin. Crow’s Feet are the radiating crease lines typically describe along the upper outer edges of the...read more
- Preventative Botox Before And After Preventative Botox: Treating wrinkles before they form Patients are understanding prevention of wrinkles is far better than treating wrinkles what have already formed. Preventative botox requires less product and oftentimes more time between treatments. (John...read more
- Botox In Your 20s Before And After If you are getting wrinkles in your forehead or between your eyes 20 is definitely not too young. Botox also helps to prevent wrinkles from forming so if you have mild wrinkles it’ll get rid...read more
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- Botox For Forehead Wrinkles Before And After It’s not unusual for patients to request treatment of horizontal forehead wrinkles. These wrinkles are caused by contraction of the frontalis muscle which is an elevator of the brow. When botox is strategically injected in...read more