Facial Injections Reviews
The beauty injections have become an invariable and indispensable attribute of modern cosmetology. These are very popular cosmetic procedures, which have gained popularity among patients of aesthetic salons.
In fact, very few people understand what beauty injections are, because aesthetic medicine, despite all accessibility, is fanned by a halo of mystery.
For this reason, it is very difficult to understand where the truth is about the injections of beauty, and where the fiction.
In this article, we will try to tell you what procedures are hidden under the general name of “beauty injections”, how they are conducted, how the injection methods differ from each other, at what age is the best for beauty injections, and how to dispel some myths and legends.
What is beauty injections?
The injections of beauty are the common names of injection methods for correction of skin defects. Beauty injection successfully cope with a variety of cosmetic problems: they rejuvenate and heal the skin, eliminate the symptoms of age-related skin withering and are considered a good alternative to a scalpel.
Modern injecting therapy has a number of advantages over other cosmetic procedures. This is:- instantaneous effect;
- minimally invasive (non-surgical method);
- fast rehabilitation period;
- combination with other cosmetology methods, for example, with hardware cosmetology.
Types of injection techniques
The essence of a variety of injections of beauty is the same, but they differ among themselves the technique of drug administration and the type of drug administered.
About the drugs used in beauty injections, we’ll talk later.And now let’s name numerous techniques used to eliminate cosmetic skin defects. There are the following injection techniques:
- mesotherapy;
- mesolifting;
- injections of Botox;
- contour modeling of the face;
- Vampire facelift;
- placental therapy;
- biorevitalization.
Let’s consider what the essence of each technique is, what is their difference and similarity.
Only in this way it is possible to understand which of the above techniques is suitable for each patient personally.
Mesotherapy is an injection method of introducing mesopreparation into the deeper layers of the skin.
With age, there is a slowdown in the production of biologically active substances, which are responsible for the processes of regeneration and activation of metabolic processes in the skin.
The introduction of medicinal cocktails contribute to the restoration of skin mechanisms responsible for youthful skin.

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At the same time, mixed drugs are prescribed for each patient individually. The drugs are therapeutically compatible and are selected in such a way as to enhance the therapeutic effect.
What drugs are used in beauty cocktails? Usually these are vitamins, nucleic acids, amino acids, minerals and organelles.
Mesotherapy is carried out only by a doctor in an aesthetic clinic. Before the procedure, carry out the necessary tests and examinations. This must be done to avoid side effects and complications.For mesotherapy there are no age restrictions, but the recommendations for the procedure are given only by a cosmetologist. If the procedure is carried out correctly, the results of treatment remain for a long time.
In some cases, it is desirable to mesotherapy?
Mesotherapy is recommended in the following cases:
- gravitational (deformation) ptosis of the face;
- loss of elasticity and flabbiness of the skin;
- sagging of the skin in the region of nasolabial folds and furrows in the mouth;
- the presence of wrinkles;
- gray complexion and hyperpigmentation.

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- autoimmune diseases;
- oncological diseases;
- chronic diseases in the acute stage;
- individual intolerance to mesopreparation;
- pregnancy and lactation;
- allergic diseases on the face.
Mesolifting is a method of tightening the face skin based on mesotherapy. This is a rejuvenating procedure that can bring back the elasticity and smoothness of the aging skin without surgical intervention.Mesolifting is carried out by courses of repeated hypodermic injections of hyaluronic acid supplemented with vitamin mesococtails.
This procedure is not a separate method or a separate technique, but the commercial name of mesotherapy with the use of drugs aimed at improving skin turgor and hydration.
Getting into the deep layers of the skin, hyaluronic acid starts the processes of regeneration and renewal of skin structures, active cell division and metabolic processes in the skin.
Hyaluronic acid is a “life-giving substance”, which is synthesized by our body, is part of many biological fluids and regulates the water balance of tissues. Over the years, the amount of hyaluronic acid in the body decreases, tissues suffer from dehydration, which immediately affects the appearance of the skin.
The use of drugs based on hyaluronic acid helps to compensate for its loss and trigger the synthesis of endogenous (own) hyaluronate. Also, with this method, processes are triggered that stimulate the recovery processes in the dermis, the extracellular matrix is a recolonized, the skin relief is restored and updated, wrinkles are smoothed and the complexion is improved.
The use of drugs based on hyaluronic acid helps to compensate for its loss and trigger the synthesis of endogenous (own) hyaluronate.
Also, with this method, processes are triggered that stimulate the recovery processes in the dermis, the extracellular matrix is a recolonized, the skin relief is restored and updated, wrinkles are smoothed and the complexion is improved.Hyaluronic acid is injected directly into places that need lifting. This procedure is particularly recommended:
- patients with tired face skin;
- with deformative ptosis of the facial contours;
- photoaged skin;
- patients who abuse smoking and other bad habits;
- with a decrease in skin tone;
- with hyperpigmentation and gray complexion.
Contraindication to this procedure are:
- individual intolerance to hyaluronic acid;
- oncological and autoimmune diseases;
- pregnancy and lactation;
- skin disease;
- tendency to form keloid scars.
The number of sessions is determined by the doctor-cosmetologist. It depends on the current state of the skin, as well as on the goals pursued.
Before starting any procedure, be it mesolifting or anything else, it is necessary to conduct research for allergic reactions and concomitant diseases in the patient.
This will get rid of all unexpected and unpredictable results.Botox injections
Botox is a botulinum toxin preparation that can block neuromuscular impulses. The preparations of botulinum toxin are a weakened toxin that is produced by the vital activity of Clostridium botulinum bacteria. In the course of botulinum therapy, the connection between the signals of the motor nerve and the muscle involved in the formation of wrinkles is blocked.
Injection of preparations based on botulinum toxin helps to smooth out wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones. Despite the fact that botulinum toxin is a poison, there have never been observed toxic reactions in patients.
It is this injection technique that causes the most controversy and controversy. In order to decide to conduct this procedure, you need to know all the pros and cons of this method. It should be noted that Botox injections do not contribute to the disappearance of wrinkles, as many believe.
This is far from the case. Botox injections only temporarily paralyze the muscles, not allowing them to shrink and, thereby, contribute to smoothing wrinkles. The effect of the filler persists for half a year, after which beauticians recommend repeating the procedure. On average, it is considered optimal to conduct botulinum three times a year.
After a while the patient gets rid of the habit of actively using facial expressions, which, in turn, contributes to solving the problem without using botox. With regular botulinum therapy, you can forget for ever “goose paws”, wrinkles on the forehead and in the corners of the mouth.Muscles are maintained in a relaxed state, which helps to smooth wrinkles of any depth and prevents the formation of new ones.
Botulinum toxin are absolutely safe and do not pose a threat to the life and health of the patient. The effect of the drug lasts 2-8 months, and the neurotoxin at the end of this time is completely eliminated from the body.
In order to cause a toxic reaction in the patient, the body needs to enter a dose that is thousands of times greater than cosmetic. So the alarm about the toxicity of botox can be immediately discarded.
However, there are areas on the face where botulinum therapy does not effectively eliminate wrinkles. This is the area of the cheeks and chin. In this case, combined treatment with botulinum toxin and biopolymer gel (silicone), which effectively copes with the task.
Botox injections are carried out with thin needles that leave no traces on the skin. Treatment is simple quick and highly effective. For this reason, this method was called “lunch”, as it allows to conduct sessions of botulinum therapy at lunchtime.
Botulinotherapy, like any other invasive therapy, has a number of contraindications. It is not recommended to inject Botox in the following cases:
- autoimmune and oncological diseases;
- chronic diseases in the acute phase;
- pregnancy and lactation;
- acute infectious diseases;
- individual intolerance to Botox;
- allergic skin disease.
With excessive introduction of Botox, restoration of appearance takes place after 1-2 months. In order to avoid undesirable side effects and complications, you should correctly prioritize and select a qualified specialist.
Facial Contouring
Facial Contouring is an injection method, the essence of which is in the filling of wrinkles and skin irregularities with a special beauty gel.
Most often this is a stabilized hyaluronic gel, since it is the stabilized version of hyaluronate that can keep the tissue volume.
How is the facial contouring performed? The hyaluronic gel is injected under the skin in small doses to create a volume under the skin. Thus, wrinkles rise, creating new contours of the face in a natural way.Facial Contouring helps:
- the formation of a clear elastic facial contours;
- filling the skin dips;
- improvement of its relief;
- smoothing wrinkles;
- increase the volume of cheekbones, cheeks, lips, chin;
- return the elasticity of the skin, tone and elasticity.
Contour plastic with hyaluronic gel is a worthy alternative to surgical intervention. And even surpasses it in the speed of skin regeneration in the postprocedural period and in the effectiveness of the results obtained. This is a minimally invasive and effective method of rejuvenating and correcting the appearance.
Facial Contouring is encouraged in the following cases:
- in the presence of facial wrinkles on the forehead, around the eyes, lips;
- with sagging nasolabial folds and furrows in the mouth area;
- at a gravitational ptosis of an oval of the face;
- with deformation of the skin relief.
Facial Contouring is carried out by fillers with hyaluronic gel. These are thin sterile syringes already ready for use.
In contrast to mesotherapy, which is carried out by courses, and mesopreparation is introduced by a number of small superficial injections around the perimeter of the face, the facial contouring is a one-time procedure and the result is manifested fairly quickly after only 1-2 days. This is a great advantage of in front of other techniques.
Vampire facelift
Vampire facelift is a rejuvenating injection technique that involves subcutaneous injection of a platelet-enriched plasma from the patient’s own blood. Platelets are blood cells that play an important role in the healing and regeneration of damaged tissues.
Platelets give rise to growth factors in damaged tissues that stimulate cell division and growth. Growth factors are peptide and steroid hormones capable of stimulating growth, proliferation (proliferation of tissue through cell division) and differentiation (the process of formation of specialized cells) of living cells.How is the vampire lifting procedure performed? The patient is taking a small amount of blood from the vein into a sterile tube.
Then place the tube in a special apparatus, called a centrifuge separator, which divides the blood into plasma enriched with platelets and erythrocyte mass. The resulting plasma is administered subcutaneously to the patient. As a result of this innovative technique, the skin regenerates and its natural rejuvenation. The patient’s face improves, the skin becomes hydrated and nourished, pigmentation spots and wrinkles disappear, and a significant lifting is observed.
Vampire facelift is safely used to correct age-related skin problems, in the treatment of skin lesions after peeling, dermabrasion and photodamage. The method of vampire facelift is successfully used in the treatment of alopecia (hair loss).It recommended under the following cosmetic defects:
- at any age changes of the skin;
- in the presence of wrinkles;
- with hair loss;
- if there are stretch marks on the skin;
- if the skin is damaged after peeling and dermabrasion.
- autoimmune and oncological diseases;
- any diseases (infectious, allergic, chronic) in the stage of exacerbation;
- pregnancy and lactation;
- infringement of a skin coagulability;
- diabetes;
- immunosuppressive conditions;
- anticoagulants (preparations oppressing processes of blood coagulation).
Many patients ask the question, how safe is the technique of vampire facelift? This rejuvenating procedure is absolutely safe, because the plasma is made from the patient’s own blood, which prevents rejection of the drug and does not cause blood infection by foreign viruses and bacteria.

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Placenta Therapy
Placenta therapy is an innovative method of rejuvenation, involving injection of placental preparations under the skin.
The placenta or baby’s place is an embryonic organ that exists in the body of a woman only during pregnancy. It connects two mothers and fetuses, providing the latter with the necessary nutrients. The placenta contains the following nutrients: protein regulators, growth factors, vitamins, amino acids, enzymes, microelements.
Thus, the placenta is a well of active biological substances capable of stimulating the activity of their cells, their reproduction and renewal, which directly leads to the rejuvenation of both the facial skin and the organism as a whole.
At the molecular level, metabolic processes in the dermis are improved, endogenous mechanisms of skin biorevitalization are triggered.Placenta therapy is a kind of mesotherapy. Accordingly, this procedure is the same as mesotherapy. The drug is injected with thin needles locally into those parts of the skin that need correction.
Getting under the skin a preparation based on the placenta, stimulates the skin processes and improves its external characteristics. As a result, the skin refreshes significantly and a powerful lifting effect occurs.
It is recommended to carry out placenta therapy in all cases of age-related skin fading, with hair loss and metabolic disorders. Contraindication to this procedure is:
- pregnancy and lactation;
- oncological and autoimmune diseases;
- age restrictions up to 18 years;
- individual protein intolerance.
Notice the effect of harmonization of all systems of the body caused by placenta.
Despite the fact that preparations based on the human placenta are obtained by multi-stage molecular fractionation (separation) and, therefore, have a high degree of purification, there are cases of individual incompatibility and rejection of the pharmacological drug. For this reason, use only high-quality drugs, for example, the Japanese-made “Laennek”.
Bio reinforcement
This is an advanced injection technique, which consists in reinforcing the face with an additional frame made of biodegradable suture material.
Over the years, the facial skin loses its elasticity, due to this there is a deformative ptosis. Unfortunately, this process does not depend on the person and is beyond his control. The ptosis of the face is caused by two factors: gravity and age.Weakened with age, the skin is attracted to the ground, which causes its complete deformation.
The technique of face reinforcement is able to eliminate this unpleasant age defect of the skin, restore the face of the former oval and firmness.
Reinforcement of the face is known in cosmetology for a long time. Once this procedure was carried out with the help of gold threads. Now in the reinforcement of active drugs are:
- hyaluronic biogel;
- polylactic acid;
- 3D meso-threads.
These are preparations of a new generation, each of which has its own advantage.
Biogels are stabilized hyaluronic acid without additional impurities. Hyaluronic biogel eliminates moisture deficiency, promotes the synthesis of endogenous hyaluronic acid, triggers regeneration processes and strengthens the skin structure.
Polylactic acid refers to biodegradable (absorbable) gels, is an alpha hydroxy acid (fruit acid) actively used in cosmetology.Polylactic acid is used to fill deep creases, most often nasolabial, wrinkles on the chin and folds around the mouth (puppet lines). Polylactic acid in fillers acts deeper and more active, for this reason it is twice the duration of hyaluronic fillers. Reinforcement with polylactic acid promotes the synthesis of new collagen and the filling of dermal areas with new fibers that make the skin more elastic.
The only inferior polylactic acid hyaluronate is in the number of procedures performed.
Injections with hyaluronic biogel are single-shot procedure, and treatment with polylactic acid requires tactics of stage-by-stage holding. In other words, these procedures are carried out by courses over a period of time, rather than at a time, as in the case of hyaluronic biogel.
The method of reinforcing 3D mesothreads (thread lifting) came to us from South Korea. This is a kind of thread facelift, contributing to the creation of a skin framework from endogenous (own) collagen. The technology of thread lifting eliminates cosmetological skin defects, which until recently were considered the prerogative of purely plastic surgery. But, frankly, experts who own this innovative technology is not so much.What are the meso threads? In fact, this is the same suture material that surgeons have been using for many years.
What is suture material? This is the common name of the materials used in surgery to connect the edges of the wound. But it was scientists from South Korea who came up with a new technology, using conventional suture material to correct age-related skin changes.
The difference between thread lifting and other techniques of filament lifting is that thread lifting does not stretch the tissue. Meso threads are injected into the subcutaneous fat layer of the skin in the form of a mesh.
Subtle needles slide easily under the skin, minimally injuring the tissue.
On the back stroke of the needle, the thread is separated from the conductor and remains under the skin 180-200 days.

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- inflammatory processes on the skin;
- with oncological and autoimmune diseases;
- during pregnancy and lactation;
- with a tendency to proliferation of keloid tissues;
- at infectious and chronic diseases in a stage of an exacerbation;
- with a tendency to allergic diseases.
Biorevitalization is the most demanded and most effective injection technique of all existing. This procedure is considered the base in modern cosmetology and is very popular both among cosmetologists and among patients in aesthetic clinics.Biorevitalization is an injectable injection of hyaluronic acid under the skin of the face in order to improve skin indicators. This is a great way to restore skin elasticity, elasticity and a healthy complexion. And all this happens because of hyaluronic acid, which literally works wonders and is rightly considered the elixir of youth.
When performing biorevitalization, unstabilized hyaluronic acid is used, since it is this form of hyaluronate that promotes deep hydration of the skin, attracting and retaining water.
Hyaluronic acid is a very important substance that our body needs and that it synthesizes, but over the years, the production of hyaluronate in the body decreases, which immediately affects the external condition of the skin.
It is thin, loses its elasticity and elasticity, it becomes dry and dull. On such skin wrinkles and pigment spots are easily formed. Hyaluronic acid is called a molecular sponge because of its ability to bind water. If you take 2% hyaluronic acid and put it in a container with liquid, the resulting mixture can be picked up like a gel, even though it is a liquid.Molecules of hyaluronic acid form a viscous net under the skin, something like a frame that “holds” the skin tone and gives it firmness. It becomes clear why hyaluronic acid is so highly valued in cosmetology.
Biorevitalization with hyaluronate is also good because, it can be used if the process of wrinkle formation only begins. This injection technique starts the processes of skin regeneration and rejuvenation, stimulates the production of endogenous hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin, activates blood microcirculation and saturates the tissues with moisture.
The method of biorevitalization is recommended for all patients who, for various reasons, are reduced turgor of the skin. What are these reasons? It can be:- natural skin aging;
- photoaging;
- tan abuse and irradiating UV rays;
- radical diets that promote uncontrolled weight loss;
- suffered serious diseases;
- stress.
Biorevitalization can be carried out for preventive purposes, when visiting, for example, hot tropical countries, where there is active insolation, and also after returning from a trip.
Biorevitalization is used in the recovery period after peeling, grinding and dermabrasion of the skin.
Despite the fact that biorevitalization is a practically safe method of preventing and correcting cosmetic skin imperfections, it still has a number of contraindications. It is not recommended to carry out the procedure in the following cases:- oncological and autoimmune diseases;
- pregnancy and lactation;
- allergic diseases;
- chronic and acute diseases in the stage of exacerbation;
- predisposition to the formation of keloid scars;
- individual intolerance to hyaluronate.
How is the procedure performed? Using the thinnest needle, a preparation based on hyaluronate is injected subcutaneously. Due to the fact that, hyaluronic acid-substance is viscous and dense, there can be unpleasant sensations when the drug is administered.
Nevertheless, they can be eliminated with an anesthetic spray or cream. After the introduction of the drug on the skin, the appearance of papules, swelling, microhematomas in puncture sites.Do not be afraid of these symptoms. This is a normal reaction of the body to an invasive violation of the integrity of the skin. Usually these phenomena disappear within 2-3 days. The duration of the procedure takes from 30 minutes to one hour and depends on the pace of work and professionalism of cosmetologist.
Biorevitalization is recommended to be performed every six months with a course of 5 procedures with a break between sessions-15-30 days. Someone needs more procedures, and someone does have one session at all.
It depends on the current condition of the skin and the goals. We talked about all the innovative techniques of skin rejuvenation, based on injection methods. What technique to choose for himself is decided personally by the patient, in no case forgetting the recommendations of the cosmetologist. It is worth considering that sometimes the opinion of a qualified specialist is decisive in this matter.
Preparations used for non-surgical correction of age-related skin defects

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- Botulinum toxin. Today, there are many varieties of botulinum toxin, and every subsequent generation of such drugs is becoming safer;
- Hyaluronic acid, which is most often used in fillers. Hyaluronic acid is synthesized by our body and is part of many biological fluids.
- Preparations based on hyaluronic acid are very effective and give excellent results;
- Hydroxyapatite of potassium is the heaviest filler that is used in fillers. It is a mineral inorganic substance that is contained in our teeth and bones. This mineral is produced synthetically. Before the treatment with this drug should be hedged and hold skin tests, to avoid allergic reactions;
- Polylactic acid is a fruit acid, which refers to alpha hydroxy acids. It is a natural substance that is an integral part of many fruits and berries. With it, fill deep creases and wrinkles on the face.
Botox And Facial Fillers Reviews
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