Here you will find prices for such facial injections as Botox, Restylane, Juvederm, Radiesse, Dysport, Voluma, Artefill, Sculptra and others.
The most popular way to fight against age-related skin changes are beauty injections. After 50 years old, the female body undergoes hormonal changes due to the onset of menopause.
Irreversible wilting of the skin at this age causes psychological discomfort and makes you look for the best ways to solve this problem.
How do “beauty injections” work?
The actions of one injection last for two to eight months, on average – four.
Aesthetic cosmetology has long and successfully helped to improve the contour of the face and tighten the skin without the use of plastic surgery.
Such procedures are much cheaper, and the effect from them is no less than from a plastic surgery. Beauty injections can smooth the wrinkles around the eyes that appear in women after 50 years of age, and deliver the nutrients directly to the cells.
The cosmetologist must decide on the need for injections after clarifying the individual problem of the client and confirming that she has no contraindications to this procedure.
As a result of this procedure, a noticeable lifting effect appears, which persists for a long time. Injections are made in the middle layer of the dermis with a syringe with a thin needle.
The injections give the opportunity to delay the intervention of the plastic surgeon for a long time and can be performed, except for the face and other parts of the body: the decollete, the area around the eyes, neck, hands.
After the introduction under the skin, these medicinal substances are evenly distributed and smooth wrinkles.
This effect is possible due to the gel-like consistency of the drugs administered, which are often based on hyaluronic acid and other components.

52 Year Old Woman Treated With Radiesse By Doctor Michael Elam, MD, Orange County Facial Plastic Surgeon
The effect of the procedure can last from 6 months to a year, depending on what preparations were used.
Preparations for beauty injections
For today in cosmetic practice several types of injections for women aged 50 years are very popular:
- Botulinum toxin;
- Hyaluronic acid;
- Biodegradable polymer materials.
The best beauty injections with botulinum toxin are Botox, Dysport and Lantox. The principle of their action is based on the poison of the protein nature (botulinum toxin), which has the ability to damage neuromuscular bonds.
After the injection, the drug enters the muscle, and it can no longer contract, resulting in the skin being smoothed out, and wrinkles are leveled. The only drawback with injections with botulotoxin is a non-permanent effect, because after a while the muscles are restored and wrinkles appear again. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically repeat courses.

Dr Michael T. Somenek, MD, Washington DC Facial Plastic Surgeon – 35 Year Old Man Treated With Dysport To The Forehead
Hyaluronic acid is contained in the human body in all intercellular fluids and is responsible for the amount of moisture in the cells.
By the age of 50, its amount is significantly reduced, and “crow’s feet” appear around the eyes, the skin becomes flabby and wrinkled.
For injections, hyaluronic acid, obtained with the help of modern biotechnologies, is used. The substance is produced in the form of a gel with different concentrations of acid, among which the most famous are Juvederm, Restylane and others.
A drug called Sculpture is used for beauty injections, which lasts for 2 years. The most popular method of rejuvenation for women after 50 years of age, as it makes it possible to get rid of “crow’s feet” and increase the elasticity of the skin. Biodegradable polymeric preparation is also polycaprolactone, which is a part of ellanse fillers. This drug allows you to get rid of wrinkles around the eyes to 4 years.
Also these drugs usually have synthetic polylactic acid in their composition, because, it is considered to be completely biocompatible with the human body.
Injection with botulinum toxin
A substance such as botulinum toxin is a biological exotoxin, which is produced by a causative agent of botulism. Botulinum toxin is used in the treatment of neurological diseases, in ophthalmology and in cosmetology.
Indications for injection:
- Wrinkles around the eyes;
- Mimic wrinkles;
- Slanting wrinkles.
The most effective it works in the nose area, forehead and to eliminate the “crow’s feet” around the eyes.
You can remove nasolabial folds if you combine botulinum toxin with hyaluronic acid. This method of combating age-related skin changes is ideal for women aged 50-60 years.
There is no need use the drug for girls under 25 years old, because wrinkles at this age are smoothed out on their own.The amount of substance is selected in accordance with the area of exposure and individual problem. Women after age 55 may need a little more injections than women after 40 years of age. Since the introduction of botulinum toxin in the skin around the eyes or another area of the face, it binds to nerve endings and partially enters the bloodstream. By the time the whole procedure takes about 10 minutes and can give such consequences:
- Hematomas;
- Edema of tissues;
- Redness of the skin;
- Skin rashes;
- Partial paralysis of muscles;
- Dizziness;
- Hemorrhage.
You can make Botox facial injections in a sitting or lying position on the couch. First, the skin is cleansed of the remnants of cosmetic products and treated with an antiseptic. After drying, an anesthetic cream is applied.
Previously, the cosmetologist makes markings on the skin, on which the botulinum toxin will be administered.
At the end of the session, disinfection of the skin with an antiseptic is also carried out. Do not touch your face with your hands or use makeup in the first days after the procedure.
Also, do not exercise, lift weights or visit the pool and sauna.
Facial Injections are prohibited:
- With hemophilia;
- During pregnancy;
- Allergies to the components of the drug;
- With epilepsy.
It is worth remembering that Botox has a high specific gravity, and hence the gravity increases. In half a year wrinkles can be broken even more deeply, and the face even more to lower.
There is evidence that botox is not removed from the body, but accumulates in the pituitary, and in the female body, the hypophysis is responsible for the childbearing function.
Injections with hyaluronic acid
As a way to combat age-related changes in the skin, hyaluronic acid is used to obtain a rejuvenating effect.It acts as a special filler and helps to fill the nasolabial folds and wrinkles evenly, and also to correct the face. Many of these fillers initially contain an anesthetic in their composition, so there is no need to do extra injections.
Hyaluronic acid is injected into the skin at different depths depending on the field of application: body, face, hands. The molecules of the acid immediately begin to build into the tissues and restore the structure of the cells from the inside.
They smooth out all the irregularities of the skin and make it supple and velvety. The total effect of the procedure lasts up to one year, after which the acid dissolves and it becomes necessary to re-rejuvenate the course.
Effect of hyaluronic acid:
- Antioxidant;
- Moisturizing;
- Fighting wrinkles;
- Anti-aging effect.
Since hyaluronic acid is present in the human body, its administration through injections usually does not cause any allergic reactions or other side effects.
Therefore, these injections are absolutely safe and are a good alternative to plastic facial correction.Preparation begins for the session in the same way as with botulinum toxin injections – with cleansing and disinfection of the skin. If there is a need, anesthesia is done.
The cosmetologist injected the drug into the desired area of the skin according to the individual scheme.
If a woman is 50 to 60 years old, most often hyaluronic acid is injected into the eye area, nasolabial folds and between the eyebrows. At the end of the session, skin treatment is also performed, and the master can apply a cold compress to the face.

Doctor Natalie Attenello, MD, Beverly Hills Facial Plastic Surgeon – Juvederm To Soften The Smile Lines
They disappear on their own after a few days. Serious complications include the formation of keloid scars, papules, hyperpigmentation and bleeding.
Hyaluronic acid can be used for mesotherapy, biorevitalization and other.
Contraindication to the injected component is:- Allergic reaction to the composition of the product;
- Pregnancy;
- The presence of deep wrinkles in women aged 50 years and older.
- Also, anti-aging injections for fungal diseases of the skin, psoriasis and infections are prohibited.
Injections with polymeric materials
This type of injection helps to effectively fight against wrinkles around the eyes, deep skin folds, and is used as an effective means to increase the lips and cheekbones.

Dr. Meg Cherry, MD, Birmingham Dermatologic Surgeon – Sculptra For Volume Loss, 6 Months After 4 Vials In 65 Year Old Female
Indications for use:
- Scar defects;
- Correction of cheekbones;
- Correction of the ears;
- Wrinkles in the eye area.
Injection should be done only by a qualified specialist, and at the same time he should use for this purpose the highest quality drug. How many sessions are needed, the cosmetologist will calculate based on the individual problem of the client and your age.
The procedure begins with cleansing the skin of cosmetics and disinfecting it with an antiseptic. Further the cosmetician introduces substance in a site of a skin on the face on the planned lines. In the end, the cosmetologist treats the skin with an antiseptic.Do not go to the sauna, solarium or swimming pool for several days after the injection. Before going outside, you need to apply sunscreen on your skin, which provides protection from ultraviolet rays.
Contraindication to the use of biodegradable polymeric materials is pregnancy, chronic diseases, inflammatory processes, autoimmune diseases.
Before you start the course of beauty injections for skin, you need to have a survey and find out if there are any contraindications to them. It is recommended to choose the best preparation, based on an individual problem.
Face Filler Injections Prices:
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