What Is Botox Used For On The Face?

Botox is excellent for smoothing fine lines

The primary benefit of Botox Cosmetic is the smoothing effect it has on the face as it relaxes the muscles that cause fine lines. While it is only FDA approved for the area between the eyes – the “11” lines – Botox can be used in other areas of the face as well.

We use Botox for the following areas of the face:

To smooth the vertical lines that develop between the eyes.
To erase the horizontal lines above the eyes on the forehead.
To hide the horizontal “crow’s feet” lines at the outside of the eyes that are seen primarily when smiling.
To minimize the visibility of vertical “smoker’s” line present on the upper lip.

Botox Has Been FDA Approved To Be Used On Several Areas Of The Face

Besides the cosmetic uses, Botox is also used for migraines, excessive sweating, relaxing muscles in those with cerebral palsy and finally TMJ (pain from an overactive jaw muscle). (Harold J. Kaplan, MD, Los Angeles Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Botox is one of the most popular cosmetic treatments in the world

That statement alone should be enough to demonstrate the value of Botox. As a Facial Plastic Surgeon and Platinum Botox provider I really love this product. It can significantly and rapidly improve someones appearance. It is quick, easy, safe and is a great medicine.

It has so many uses both cosmetic and functional that it is certainly worth looking in to further. (Robert F. Gray, MD, FACS, Bay Area Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Botox or Dysport in the right clinical hands can bring about rejuvenation

Botox Relaxes The Tense Muscles That Are Responsible For Creating The Fine Lines And Wrinkles In Your Face

Botox or Dysport helps to relax facial muscles along upper 1/2 of the face that are otherwise under intense involuntary muscular contraction, giving rise to frown lines.

Getting Botox or Dysport injected every 3-6 months by a board-certified dermatologist or plastic surgeon can help to ‘decondition’ these set of muscles, bringing about a more rejuvenated complexion and possibly slightly less frequent injection schedule if one were to keep up with regular Botox or Dysport injection for the first couple years. (William Ting, MD, Bay Area Dermatologic Surgeon)

Smooth wrinkles – Soften appearance

For cosmetic use, Botox relaxes specific muscles that, when contracted, cause facial wrinkling. When administered properly, Botox softens facial features without removing ability to animate. Using some topical numbing agent and ice before injecting makes it a comfortable procedure.

How Botox Works

The most common area injected is the frown area on the brow between the eyes to soften that angry look. The forehead can also be treated to smooth thansverse lines. Treating just next to the eye socket eliminates “crow’s feet”.

I’ve used it successfully in many other areas but advanced injection training is necessary to properly administer in these regions. (Edmond A. Zingaro, MD, San Francisco Plastic Surgeon)

Botox erases wrinkles and sculptures face.

There is a whole page on my web site about the various benefits of Botox. It erases lines in the upper face, lifts the brows, lifts the corners of the mouth, and helps to clean up the neck. (George J. Beraka, MD (retired), Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)

Botox for anti-aging

Botox is a treatment that is used to decrease the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on the face. It treats wrinkles that are caused by repetitive muscle movements, for example the lines between the eyebrows that appear when we frown.

When we are young and the skin is very elastic, the lines go away when we stop frowning. Over time, after we have made that facial expression thousands and thousands of times, the line doesn’t quite go away anymore when we stop frowning.

Which Areas Of The Face Can Botox Be Injected

Every frown reinforces the line and makes it deeper and deeper in the skin, until the line is there even when we are no longer frowning. Botox is injected into the muscles that make the frown, relaxing the muscles so they cannot make the lines.

That allows the skin to smooth out and the line goes away. Sometimes, the line is so deep that it doesn’t go away right away, but takes many months, and the person must keep receiveing Botox treatments in order to give the skin time to smooth out.

And sometimes we must inject a small amount of filler (Restylane, Juvederm, or collagen) into the line to plump it up. Botox only works on lines that are caused by muscle movement, so it is used primarily for the forehead, between the eyebrows, and the crows feet around the eyes.

In the right hands, Botox can be given in amounts that smooth the lines without giving the “frozen” look that many people are worried about and want to avoid.

That is why you should always receive Botox treatments from a board certified dermatologist or plastic surgeon who is well experienced with the procedure. (Jordana S. Gilman, MD, Washington Dermatologic Surgeon)