Units Of Botox For Crow’s Feet

The ideal amount and injection location for each patient varies. The amount required to achieve optimal outcomes can also change with time.

In general, the larger number of units used results in a more effective outcome that lasts longer.

However, after a certain point, using more Botox will only increase the risk of local side effects.

As a very experienced provider of these treatments, I usually start treatment of the Crows-feet area in women with 9-12 units on each side and expect to achieve a nice improvement that lasts about 3 months.

For larger muscle activity more may be required. (Mathew C. Mosher, MD, Vancouver Plastic Surgeon)

The amount of Botox used for each patient varies. Normally I use 10-12u per side as my starting point. (Sugene Kim, MD, FACS, Houston Plastic Surgeon)

1 Week After Botox For Crows Feet

Botox for crows feet

How many units that are necessary to smooth the lines around the eyes depends on several factors: the size of the muscles involved, the depth of the wrinkles, the amount of correction desired – to name just a few.

Typically, to smooth the lines around the eyes, any amount between 9 and 16 units per side is necessary. (Corey L. Hartman, MD, FAAD, Birmingham Dermatologic Surgeon)

Botox treatment of the Crow’s feet (lateral eye skin) is slightly different for people depending their amount of aging muscle strength and most importantly, their desired outcome.

The general range of 10 Units for each side is my starting point. Until your surgeon and you develop your exact protocol, you may need to have a touch up. (Travis T. Tollefson, MD, MPH – Account Suspended, Sacramento Facial Plastic Surgeon)

8-12 Units Of Botox Per Side

Botox – how many units in the crow’s feet area

The amount of units varies based on a person’s anatomy, but in general, 10 to 12 units on each side should be more than enough.

You can always start with a lower dose and go back for a touch up in a few days. (Catherine Huang-Begovic, MD, FACS, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)

Botox units to the crows feet area will be between 8 to 20 units per side. It depends on the severity of the wrinkles. (Vincent N. Zubowicz, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)

The first time I treat a patient for crow’s feet in the area of the lateral lower eyelid, I usually start with 5-6 units per side, spread over two or three injection sites. The dosage can be raised for more dramatic and sustained effect, but it is important not to weaken the muscle that crinkles the eye so much that the lower lid sags, which can be uncomfortable or unattractive. (Dan Downey, MD, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)

Botox Is A Trusted Way Of Getting Rid Of Crow’s Feet

Generally in my patients, I place 10 units on each side and if it does not block enough in two weeks we have them return for a touch-up. (Grace Liu, MD, Newport Beach Dermatologic Surgeon)

Variation in dose may be due to aging and changing objectives

As patient’s get older, they may need to have lateral brow lift combined with treatment of the crow’s feet to get a good result. This requires more Botox. I have been doing Botox since before it was released for cosmetic use and have found over time several things can happen:

  • Patients may require more to get the same effect
  • Patients may feel that while they do get the effect, it does not last as long
  • Some patients will give it up because they find the results are so short that it does not make economic sense.

Crow’s Feet Increase In Quantity And Depth

Consequently in the same patient, the amount of Botox we may use has varied through the years. (Nathan Mayl, MD (retired), Fort Lauderdale Plastic Surgeon)

I generally use less than 7.5 units per side for crow’s feet ( a total of 15 units) and have the patient come back in two weeks for a followup visit just in case they need more. I would much rather under correct in this area than over correct because this is one area where you could get complications such as lower eyelid weakness or ectropion. (Joel B. Singer, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)

Botox to Crow’s Feet

The recommended amount is anywhere from 12-16 units per side. However, you can also achieve the desired results with as little as 6-8 units. Much of this depends on where most of the wrinkling is and is specific person to person, as some want absolutely no wrinkles while others want a more natural look. (Sapna A. Patel, MD, Seattle Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Injecting This Protein In The Crow’s Feet

The number of Botox units needed for crow’s feet is dependent upon the depth and severity of the lines and influenced by several factors including age, gender, ethnicity, and skin condition. For most patients, 5-15 units per side are sufficient to smooth crow’s feet and refresh the eye area.

This is generally administered through 3 tiny pricks on each side—making for a fast and painless procedure. (Jia Zheng, MD, Vancouver Physician)

Everyone will be different depending on the degree of wrinkling of the orbicularis oculis muscle around the eyes. I generally use 2-12 units per crow’s feet depending on the person. (Sameer Bashey, MD, Beverly Hills Dermatologic Surgeon)

Botox dose with a new provider

Botox is a purified protein used to address wrinkles associated with facial expression. Dose depends on the area and the individual. Different providers have their own preferences in terms of dose.

The Crow’s Feet Near The Eyes Will Disappear Completely

When I have a patient who has previously done Botox treatments one of the first questions I ask is the dose. While many times a total dose can be remembered, usually the patient does not know how it was distributed, especially in cases where multiple areas were treated.

Sometimes a patient has done a lower dose than I would otherwise recommend. In these cases I tell the patients that we can do the lower dose but the results may not be as good as one would like.

In our office we provide complimentary additional units if the recommended dose was used if the results are not good. However if a lower dose is used the additional units are not complimentary. The pivotal studies done on the crow’s feet demonstrated that when 24 units (12 units per side) are used the peak effects are seen at 14 days and most people enjoy their results for 3-4 months.

We Can Properly Treat The Crow’s Feet With Hyaluronic Acid Filler

Please consult with a doctor for specific recommendations. (Alex Eshaghian, MD, PhD, Encino Physician)

Amount of Botox Needed for Crow’s Feet

I usually put 2 units in each line in the crow’s feet region and continue down into the cheek if a patient desires. In total units, this may vary from 4 to 24 units for both sides.

This treatment really softens creases that form around the eyes when smiling. (Anand D. Patel, MD, Brookfield Facial Plastic Surgeon)

While every patient is different, and the injector should tailor the treatment to each individual patient, most patients do well with 8-12 units of Botox to the lateral orbital (or crow’s feet) area on side.

I typically start with around 10 units for each side. As always, a consultation with a well-trained, board-certified physician is recommended to determine the treatment and recommendations for each individual patient. (Matthew Richardson, MD, Frisco Facial Plastic Surgeon)

At your consultation we look for how strong the muscles are and how much motion you want to have left after injection. I usually find 18-30 units is the range depending on what the desired effect is. (Samer Muala, MD, Phoenix Family Physician)

Normally 12 units of Botox per side is sufficient for most people. There is some variation where Botox is placed in the crows feet area. There is also consideration of the brow when you inject the crows feet because the muscle in the crows feet is a depressor of the brow and a higher or lower placement can affect the brow position.

A very low placement of Botox beneath the eyelid is not a good either since is can effect the lower eyelid position. My suggestion is to have an open discussion to your practitioner about it.

Some practitioners do not think in terms of units but more in terms of amounts. Generally speaking 0.1 cc is 4 units and normally 0.3 cc is used per side. In men the crows feet can be more active and, therefore, a little more is needed. (Robert W. Sheffield, MD, Santa Barbara Plastic Surgeon)