Restylane Or Juvederm For Under Eyes

Restylane is slightly less hydrophilic, and best for under eyes.

In my experience Juvederm can be more hydrophilic than Restylane, this means after it has been injected it can recruit more water into the areas injected.

This can make the area look fuller than it did the next day If it was brought to full correction when injected.

I favor Juvederm for lips for this reason, and Restylane for under eyes.

If I use Juvederm for the under eye area I am careful to slightly under-correct the area, this allows for some swelling to the area due to its hydrophilic properties. (Kaleroy Papantoniou, MD, FAAD, Great Neck Dermatologic Surgeon)

Juvederm vs. Restylane

I prefer Juvederm over Restylane not because of how long it lasts, but rather because Juvederm is a smoother product and therefore feels softer in general.

Doctor Cheryl Perlis, MD, FACOG, Highland Park Physician – 35 Year Old Woman Received Juvederm Cheek Augmentation To Improve Under Eye Hollows

If you are concerned about how long it lasts, there is a new Juvederm product which was FDA approved in 2017 called Vollure which lasts up to 18 months.

The other consideration is what area you are looking to treat. Juvederm Ultra or Vollure can be used just about anywhere.

Restylane, I would mainly use for the under eyes. As for similarities, they are both hyaluronic acid based fillers and reversible.

It is best to always do a consultation with a medical expert to decide what product will be best for you. (Sunanda Chugh, MD, New York Physician)

Juvederm v Restylane

Both products are hyaluronic acids, which is a substance found in the skin and soft tissues of the face.

Both are excellent products and clinicians use both. I believe the main distinction between the two are the locations I use to treat with each type of filler.

Doctor Laura E. Skellchock, MD , Boca Raton Dermatologic Surgeon – Hollow Eyes Treated With Juvederm – Dr. Laura Skellchock

The Juvederm is more suitable for moderately deep wrinkles such as smile lines and to augment the lips, while Restylane is a better product for under eye dark lines and hollows. (David Shamouelian, MD, Beverly Hills Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Restylane or Juvederm? Which is best for you….

Juvederm and Restylane are dermal fillers with hyaluronic acid base solutions. Both are FDA approved and provide safe and natural looking results. The most notable difference between the two is that Juvaderm has been formulated into a smoother compound as opposed to Restylane’s more hearty gel compound.

The area being treated would dictate which filler would be most appropriate. Restylane is substantial enough to contour and correct in areas of facial fat loss. Juvaderm is smooth and elegant enough to plump lips.

Both solutions last about the same length of time between 6-9 months, but the results can be extended up to 18 months with a touch up after 6 months. Both injectables provide long lasting safe solutions for correcting wrinkles, thin lips and under eye circles.

The choice between the two comes down to your specific cosmetic corrections and your skin condition. By choosing an expert injector you can rely on their expertise in helping you achieve the most optimal results for you. (Syed Amiry, DO, Virginia Dermatologic Surgeon)

Juvederm and Restylane are both hyaluronic acid fillers

Juvederm and Restylane are both hyaluronic acid fillers. While there are some minor differences between the two products as far as viscosity or thickness is concerned as well as concentration of active ingredient, in all practicality they work similarly in the facial lines.

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Both work effectively in the laugh lines and drool groove regions near the corners of the mouth. In the lips, I prefer juvederm due to its smoother consistency and less lumpiness there. In the areas under the eyes I prefer the restylane since it attracts water a little less and does not seem to cause any discoloration to the skin.

They both seem to have the same duration of effect and swelling and bruising are also similar in my experience. (Scott Trimas, MD, Jacksonville Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Juvederm or Restylane?

We really like both Juvederm and Restylane and use both of them a lot, but I think that they have different indications. Juvaederm lasts longer than Restylane. In fact, Juvaderm can last as long as a year.

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But Restylane is better and more forgiving when it is used in superficial areas or delicate areas. Therefore we use Restylane in the lips and in the “tear trough” area under the eyelids, and we tend to use Juvaderm for the nasolabial folds and to replace lost volume in the cheeks. (George J. Beraka, MD, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)

Juvederm vs. Restylane – Much is up to the skill of the injector

As a cosmetic dermatologist, I inject both Juvederm and Restylane, both are excellent products from the same class of fillers: hyaluronic acid based gels. They are not that different except in subtle ways.

Some patients have anecdotally claimed they feel Restylane lasts a bit longer, and some patients claim they feel Juvederm feels ‘smoother’ in their skin.

Dr Brian Biesman, MD, Nashville Oculoplastic Surgeon – Woman Treated With Juvederm To Under Eye

Much of this is up to the skill of the injector. In general, these fillers can be used in the:

  • Nasolabial folds (laugh lines)
  • Marionette lines (sides of chin)
  • Lips
  • Earlobes
  • Under the eyes (tear troughs).

Both can last up to a year in ideal cases. Neither appears to have any allergenic problems and test spots are not necessary. Neither is formulated with anesthesia yet (stay tuned, it is coming), so topical anesthesia or a nerve block might be necessary if you are pain-sensitive. (Laurie Polis, MD, Manhattan Dermatologic Surgeon)

Make sure the physician offers both Juvederm and Restylane

Both are great Hyaluronic acid fillers. I prefer Restylane for tear troughs and lower eyelids, as it looks more natural, but for the nasolabial folds they are both great. In my experience they last the same time period and depends on the individual and the anatomical site it is injected.

Treatment Of Dark Circles Under The Eyes With Juvederm With Dr Michael A. Zadeh, MD, FACS, Sherman Oaks General Surgeon

Also the physician injecting must be both artistic and skillful. (Amir Moradi, MD, San Diego Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Restylane and Juvederm are both effective if injected by an experienced injector

Both Juvederm and Restylane are Hyaluronic acid. Both are produced by Bacterial Fermentation.

The consistency of Restylane tends to be granular and that of Juvederm smooth. Recently Restylane duration by approved FDA labeling was increased to 18 months and for Juvederm it is 12 months.

These are of course approximations and results will vary from one individual to the next. I offer both products to my patients, but find that Juvederm tends to work better in the so-called “tear trough” area.

Both products can give good results in the naso-labial folds and lips. Sometimes I will have patients who have tried both and will prefer one over the other, sometimes Restylane and sometimes Juvederm. The good news is that we have these products available now for problems that could only be addressed by more complex surgical procedures in the past.

However, sometimes surgery is the better option, and so you should go to a board certified plastic surgeon for an opinion, since they can offer the full range of treatment possibilities (Paul W. Loewenstein, MD, Milwaukee Plastic Surgeon)

Juvederm or Restylane – which is better?

In the clinical work and research I have done with these and other HA fillers, I would suggest that neither of these categories of thought are correct. First, a little science knowledge is worth having for anyone considering the choice (if a choice is offered) of products.

The hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers are not “acids” as the general population might think. From a physiologic standpoint they are actually long-chains of sugars that make up much of the connect and structural tissue in our bodies (and other animals) particularly the skin.

Doctor Michael R. Menachof, MD, Greenwood Village Facial Plastic Surgeon – Restylane Injected Under The Eyes

While all commercially available HAs are structurally very similar their are some very important differences between them. Restylane is a “stiffer”gel and holds it’s structure better than the “less-stiff” Juvederm gel. These characteristics can be used to a benefit for the specific indication treated.

For example, when treating the lip and the preference is to define the border, Restylane might be the better choice, whereas in the “marionette line” (between the corner of mouth and jaw), Juvederm provides a more a slightly wider area of filling.

All HA’s “hold” body water. This “hydrophilic” characteristic is most pronounced in Juvederm, much less in Restylane and even slightly less water retention with Belotero.

This is most important when choosing a product when treating around the lower eyelids where water retention or puffy eyes are already a problem for many.

Add Juvederm to the lower eyelid area and one can experience long-term puffiness. This water retention can be an advantage in other areas for as in the “marionette lines” where a diffuse area of improvement is desired.

The bottom-line is that most experts choose an HA product that has the best characteristics for the being area treated. Juvederm, Restylane, Perlane and Belotero and the new Voluma are all excellent HA choices for the right patient and right indication. (Corey S. Maas, MD, San Francisco Facial Plastic Surgeon)