No Changes With Botox Treatment of Glabella After 5 Days

No Changes with Botox After 5 Days

We tell our patients to expect the Botox to start working in 3-4 days but the full result will not be apparent until 14 days.

We also tell them that if the area is not blocked to their satisfaction at 14 days, we always perform a free touch-up within a week after the 14 days. You may need more than 15 units for your glabella.

Allergan initially obtained FDA approval for Botox to the glabella area with 20 units. Some patients have very strong muscles such as men and may require even more such as 30-40 units. (Grace Liu, MD, Newport Beach Dermatologic Surgeon)

Botox Treatment of Glabella

It is difficult to give you an accurate assessment without knowing how many units you were treated with. Additionally, I don’t know the skill level of your injector which could effect the end result.

Botox Injections For The Glabella Or Nasal Region

In general, you must wait a period of 2 weeks before you see full effects of your Botox Cosmetic treatment. Be patient and re-evaluate your glabella in a week. If you still don’t see results, you may need a further treatment in this area.

The glabella is fairly resilient and commonly requires 25 units or more for full effect. Warmest Glenn Vallecillos, M. D., F. A. C. S. (Glenn Vallecillos, MD, FACS, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)

Botox effect not seen 5 days after injection

It takes from 7 to 14 days to see the full effect of botox. So it may be too early to see it. Normally the glabella requires between 15 and 30 units depending on the strength of the procerus and the corrugators, the muscles that make wrinkles between the brows.

Frown Lines Softening With Botox

The amount of botox may not have been sufficient for you. Anecdotally, patients who do strenuous exercises have their botox wear off faster but it does not affect the onset of action too much. I recommend discussing it with the injecting physician after 2 weeks or so.

You should see the full effect of botox at that time. (Emily Altman, MD, Short Hills Dermatologic Surgeon)

No result with Botox

If you don’t see any improvement by 7 days, you should be able to discuss this with your doctor. However, be sure that the frown lines are not the lines that appear at rest, as those don’t improve with Botox (a filler would be more appropriate).

The intended results should be to block the muscles that cause active frown lines. When you see your doctor, an additional Botox injection may be considered.

Maximize Your Results With Botox To Glabella

Some patients see a result in the frown lines with 12 units while others need 20 or 24 units.

So perhaps your doctor started with a low dose (which is appropriate) and you may just need a little more. (Karol A. Gutowski, MD, FACS, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

Not Enough Botox

My initial treatment dose for Botox between the eyebrows in women is almost always 20 to 24 units so you were under dosed. I also tell all my Botox patients to call me in one week if the results are not as they expected so that I can reevaluate them and inject more Botox if necessary. (Mitchell Schwartz, MD, South Burlington Dermatologic Surgeon)

Botox dosing is in units. 20-25 units is typical for female glabellar (THE FROWN LINES). If you did get 16 units, that is under-dosing and that is the most common reason for poor response. (Mary P. Lupo, MD, New Orleans Dermatologist)