Is Botox Good For Crows Feet?

Botox good for forehead, frown, crow’s feet, lip lines, and downturned corners mouth

Botox works by limiting movement of muscles near where it is injected. Therefore, it works best for treating lines directly related to movement of an underlying muscle. These areas are the forehead, frown, crow’s feet, vertical lip lines, and downturned corners of the mouth.

Treatments in addition to Botox may be needed for optimal improvement in these areas. The nasolabial folds (the lines running from the nose to the corners of the mouth) and the small lines that develop in the cheeks are not treated with Botox. (Lawrence Osman, MD, Los Angeles Dermatologic Surgeon)

Botox is only approved for the glabella, but is used widely off lable.

Botox Injections Are Most Popular As An Anti Aging Treatment To Get Rid Of Crows Feet

Botox aesthetic uses cover virtually the whole face depending on the experience of the injector. We us it most frequently to soften the activity of the muscles of the forehead and about the eyes. However we also use it to adjust uneven smiles, neck bands, masseter bulging, uneven brows, etc.

(Nathan Mayl, MD (retired), Fort Lauderdale Plastic Surgeon)

Botox is best for the between the brows (which it has FDA approval), crow’s feet, and forehead lines. (Kris M. Reddy, MD, FACS, West Palm Beach Plastic Surgeon)

Botox helps the upper and lower face as well as neck,by experienced physicians

Besides helping reduce frown lines, forehead lines and crowsfeet, Botox or Dysport injections can help slow down aging changes of the face in other ways: Small amounts above and below the lips slow down the formation of vertical lip lines and improve response to laser resurfacing.

Botox Injections Are Popular For Reducing The Appearance Of Facial Wrinkles

Small amounts around the jaw and chin smooth out puckered chins and improves the downward pull on the mouth that makes one look angry or “sour”. Botox or Dysport in the cheeks can help slim the appearance of the face.

Botox or Dysport in the neck can help smooth a “turkey neck” and help smooth “pearl or necklace lines”. (Margaret Weiss, MD, Baltimore Dermatologic Surgeon)

Where to use Botox

Botox is only FDA approved for the wrinkles between your eyebrow. It is used for many other areas off label including the neck, jowls, crows feet, forehead, and lip area. You should always get your doctor to explain the risks and benefits of these off label procedures. (Carlos Wolf, MD, Miami Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Botox is used for other applications that wrinkles and lines

Botox Injections Are Used To Treat Other Medical Conditions, Too

Botox is frequently used in an ‘off-label’ manner by experienced injectors for a variety of facial asethetic problems.

Drooping brows, drooping mouth corners, neck bands, chin dimples, widened ‘jaw’ appearance (masseter hypertrophy) are all common uses for Botox.

Seek out a clinic in your area with experienced injectors supervised by a board certified plastic surgeon. (Scott C. Sattler, MD, FACS, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)

Botox is used in many areas

The most frequent areas of treatment are for the forehead wrinkles, the crows feet and the wrinkles between the brows. Botox can also be used to help reduce wrinkles above and below the lips (smoker wrinkles even if they are not from smoking), platysmal bands of the neck ( those rope-like muscles that start along the jaw and go down to the collar bone) and sometimes for muscles that pull the corners of the mouth downward and the chin up. (Armando Soto, MD, FACS, Orlando Plastic Surgeon)

Botox Is Used For Cosmetic Purposes

Dynamic wrinkles best for Botox

Aging in the face manifests itself in several ways, and the wrinkles that are part of this are due to two causes: Static wrinkles are the ones that form simply from sun damage, loss of collagen, and so forth while dynamic wrinkles are the result of hyperactive muscles of expression.

The best example of theis is the “11” between the eyebrows which results from the type of frowning motion of what are called corrugator muscles. Another good case for botox is the “crow’s feet ” arpund the eyes because they are also caused by muscle activity.

Botox gets at the source of the wrinkle by relaxing the targeted muscles in a specific way. (Richard Baxter, MD, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)

Botox used for many wrinkles on face

Botulinum Toxin Injections Block Certain Chemical Signals From Nerves

Botox is FDA approved for treatment of the glabella lines only. The glabella is the area just between the eyebrows that has wrinkles often referred to as the “elevens” because the two vertical wrinkles look like an “11.”

However, Botox is commonly used to treat other wrinkles on the face. These areas include the upper forehead, crows feet, “bunny lines” of the nose, dimples and wrinkles in the chin, and corners of the mouth. (Steven Hacker, MD, West Palm Beach Dermatologic Surgeon)

Botox uses

Botox is best for areas of facial lines of animation usually of the upper 1/3 of the face. It is not a substitute for filler materials like juvederm and restylane. (Steven Wallach, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)

Botox for beauty-Numerous uses: Does far more than you might have thought

Botulinum Toxin To Paralyze Muscle Activity Temporarily

Botox has a surprising repetoire for improving the aging face, neck and chest. I was among the first physicians in the U. S. back in 1991 to use Botox for treating facial wrinkles, eleven years before it actually received FDA approval for this purpose.

At that time, Botox was used exclusively and quite successfully for treating the “scowl” (“frown,” or “angry” lines) between the eyes. Since that time, we have greatly expanded Botox’s uses to include treating the “crow’s feet” around the eyes, the “worry” lines of the forehad, the crinkles below the eyes, the sad lines on the sides of the mouth, the “smoker’s” or “lipstick bleeding” lines around the mouth, dimpled chins.

It has also yielded gratifying results for softening turkey necks, raising sagging eyebrows, sotening the “necklace” lines that circle the neck, and improving crepiness of the chest.

More recently, we have added the “Nefertiti Lift,” named after the famous Egyptian pharaoh’s wife with the flawlessly straight jawline we see in all the statues of her.

Medical Insurance Does Not Cover Botox Treatments

By placing tiny droplets of Botox along certain areas of the jaw and neck, we can frequently achieve a straightening of the this area and a lift to the face above it that has proven quite gratifying to many patients.

In general, the benefits of Botox are usually seen within seven days after treatment. Since there is little or no downtime, most patients return to work or social activities immediately after treatment. (Nelson Lee Novick, MD, New York Dermatologic Surgeon)

Botox works on certain wrinkles

There are different aspects to the aging process. There are surface changes which include rough or dull texture and tone, and brown spots, redness and dilated or burst blood vessels.

There is also the aspect of volume loss which occurs with aging, and this is visible in the temples, and especially the areas from the nose to mouth (nasolabial folds) and around the lips (Marionette lines).

Dynamic wrinkles are wrinkles that are a result of movement, and this is where Botox really shines. In particular, the frown lines between the eyebrows, the horizontal lines of the upper and mid-forehead, and Crow’s feet.

As well, Botox is used for dynamic wrinkles that cause bunny lines on the nose, “smoker’s lines” around the lips (especially in women), and downturned corners of the mouth. Botox is also used occasionally on the neck and jawline (“Nefertiti lift”).

For dynamic wrinkles, Botox is the most effective, versatile and safest way to treat them. (Benjamin Barankin, MD, FRCPC, Toronto Dermatologic Surgeon)

Botox works for wrinkles caused by muscle movements

Botox relaxes muscles. It will treat wrinkles that are caused by overactive muscles or repetitive movements. The best examples of these types of wrinkles are the frown lines between the eyebrows or the lines on the forehead.

Experienced injectors also understand facial anatomy and how facial muscles pull in different directions. By carefully injecting Botox into certain muscles, we can get a slight brow lift or an eye lift without any surgery.

We also use Botox to smooth neck lines and relax neck bands. These injections should only be performed by very experienced injectors. Be sure to only receive your Botox treatments from a board certified dermatologist or plastic surgeon. (Jordana S. Gilman, MD, Washington Dermatologic Surgeon)

Botox erases wrinkles and sculptures face.

Basically, Botox can erase wrinkles, lift the brows and the corners of the mouth, and help to clean up the neck. (George J. Beraka, MD, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)

Botox does not address all facial wrinkles

Not all facial wrinkles can be effectively addressed with Botox. Botox works by relaxing muscles that cause certain wrinkles. It works best and is most commonly used on frown lines, “crow’s feet” next to eyes, and forehead wrinkles. (Edmond A. Zingaro, MD, San Francisco Plastic Surgeon)