How Often Do You Have To Get Botox?

Botox works by relaxing the muscles that are a major part of the cause of fine lines and wrinkles.

An interesting thing happens to the muscles after repeat injections in that they seem to lose some “muscle memory.”

That is as you are sitting around reading or driving or thinking , your muscles may spontaneously be contracting even when you think you are “at rest.”

Botox can help the scowl muscles to forget their tendency to make this baseline contraction. i.e. just as baseball players have muscle memory in their repeated practice swings, you can also lose that muscle memory by lack of repeated use or “practice”.

So although I recommend my patients have treatments every 3-5 months I do discuss with them that I often see people that after their first or second treatment sometimes are thenable to strectch out their injections to 6-8 months.

Botox With Dr Daniel Levy, MD, Bellevue Dermatologic Surgeon

Even some who had very weak muscles to begin with, have gone up to one year before needing to return for another injection.

So although Botox results are both patient and injector dependent, the general rule is 3-5 months between injections, but remember that a few lucky ones may be able to wait even longer. (Shawn Allen, MD, Boulder Dermatologist)

Botox every 4 months to keep the wrinkles away

Botox is a wonderful and revolutionary drug that has forever changed the face of dermatology and cosmetic procedures.

It is the most common cosmetic procedure done world wide. And when done by a well qualified specialist, in proper doses and dilution, it is safe and very effective.

Most patients come in to see me every 3-5 months for Botox. Botox is a temporary fix, but by reducing the muscle motion, the lines and wrinkles that would otherwise result are supressed and reduced.

Botox With Dr David A. Robinson, MD, Munster Plastic Surgeon

The key is to use just enough in the exact location necessary to get the best result. Over the years, I have led the call that less is more when it comes to Botox.

People do not want to look like they have had Botox, they don’t want to lose facial expression, so as I say with everything, make sure that you go to a doctor who is a specialist in this area and has been properly trained.

When Botox is used by improperly trained doctors and nurses, it can cause serious complications. (Arnold W. Klein, MD (in memoriam), Beverly Hills Dermatologic Surgeon)

Botox in general will last anywhere from 3-4 months for most people if administered and mixed properly. Multiple treatments usually do not lead to decreasing effects except in rare instances where the patient develops antibodies to the drug.

It Is Important To Understand That Botox Is Not A Permanent Solution

In fact, some patients will actually see more effects from less Botox with multiple treatments as the muscle weakens over time. (Naveen Setty, MD, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)

Botox last 3-4 months

Botox requires retreatment every 3-4 months. If you do not get Botox after it has warn out, nothing will happen. Your wrinkles would not get worst. However if you maintain your retreat every 3-4 month over time you may require less units and also less frequent. (David A. F. Ellis, MD, Toronto Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Botox affects tend to increase with regular use

For reasons that are not known, patients who use Botox on a regular basis, not allowing previous treatments to completely resolve, tend to see subsequent treatments last longer and longer. The maximum benefit tends to be about 6 months.

The Botox Injections Will Eventually Wear Off

Possibly, your muscles are becoming weak and taking longer to start moving even after the nerve has recovered. Whatever the reason, it is a nice bonus. (Louis W. Apostolakis, MD, Austin Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Recommended Frequency of Botox Use

In the hands of a Plastic surgeon/Dermatologist who uses fresh, undiluted, properly mixed, genuine (not fake or gray market) Botox, the effects last from 3 to 5 months, depending on the bulk of the muscles they are injected in.

(Obviously the muscles at the base of the nose of a thin woman would be thinner and the Botox effect in them last longer than thicker muscles in a man). Injecting Botox at a higher frequency will NOT increase the Botoxeffect but is apt to bring about creation of antibodies to Botox which will result in much shorter Botox duration and need for increasingly greater Botox doses to get the same effect (Tachyphylaxis).

Botox Expectations

Pick a qualified MD to do your Botox treatments and you will not need to worry about this. (Peter A. Aldea, MD, Memphis Plastic Surgeon)

Effects of Botox may last longer after multiple treatments

The length of time that Botox lasts may increase somewhat after multiple treatments for most patients. Conversely, and rarely, a few unlucky patients may develop antibodies against Botox after multiple treatments, and it may stop working as well as it used to. (Lawrence Osman, MD, Los Angeles Dermatologic Surgeon)

When properly used, Botox should last 3-31/2 months. The effect should not diminish. It is not uncommon to see Botox lasting longer with additional treatments, and to see longer term smoothing of areas where Botox has been used.

One caveat is that Botox may be less effective on patients over 65, possibly because there receptors are less sensitive to the drug, or because their static wrinkles are more deeply set. (Karen Vaniver, MD, Kennewick Plastic Surgeon)

Botox By Doctor Leonard Miller, MD, Brookline Plastic Surgeon

Botox works well only when mixed properly

Botox, if properly administered, should last at least 3 to 3 and a half months. This is true whether it is your first treatment or your tenth or so-on. Hypothetically, over time, one might expect the treated muscles to weaken, requiring less frequent treatments, but I have not really found this to be the case.

It’s also important to know that your doctor is using Botox which has been mixed the same day you get injected. Some practices dilute the Botox and let it sit in the refrigerator for days, allowing them to charge less per injection.

In this situation the Botox will probably not last as long or work as well as it should. (Pamela B. Rosen, MD, Coral Springs Plastic Surgeon)

Average time is 3 to 4 months

In the majority of individuals, Botox lasts about 3 to 4 months. If you continue to have Botox regularly, it does tend to last longer because you are weakening the muscles. However, there are certain individuals who metabolize the Botox quicker and need Botox after 21/2 to 3 months. (Mandy Lynn Warthan, MD, Dallas Dermatologist)

Botox every 3-4 months

Botox usually wears off completely by about 4 months. I recommend to patients to return for treatment every 3-4 months. Evetnaully the muscle will weaken and your treatments may be able to be spaced further apart. (Steven Wallach, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)

Repeat Botox every 3-4 months

There is no limit as to how often you can use Botox. Botox is a molecule that is absorbed by your muscles and helps relax these muscles. This relaxation effect will help me raise the wrinkles in the overlying skin.

Dr Kris M. Reddy, MD, FACS, West Palm Beach Plastic Surgeon – 50 Year Old Woman Treated With Botox

This relaxation effect will last anywhere from 3 to 6 months depending on the patient. (Pat Pazmino, MD, FACS, Miami Plastic Surgeon)

Frequency of using BOTOX

BOTOX is typically injected every 3-6 months and can work for many many years which experience and scientific studies have shown. This is by far the most popular cosmetic procedure precisely because it is safe, effective, and very very consistent in experienced hands. (Benjamin Barankin, MD, FRCPC, Toronto Dermatologic Surgeon)

Botox every 3-4 months

We find that Botox patients that visit consistently every 3-4 months do not lose the effect of the Botox when that schedule is maintained. When the duration between treatments extends beyond 3-4 months, some of the effects can wear off.

Generally speaking, we find that the patients that come in consistently at 3-4 months have better duration for the product (it does not degrade as quickly). Most patients can visit as often as they like, but we have two patients that have become resistant to Botox after years of usage. (Harold J. Kaplan, MD, Los Angeles Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Getting Rid Of Lines And Wrinkles

Many patients have gotten Botox dozens of times.

In the vast majority of people, Botox can be injected many times at 4 month intervals with continued good results, and no bad effects. In some patients, Botox lasts longer after a few injections. (George J. Beraka, MD (retired), Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)

Most people should understand that the typical patient will see the results of Botox last 3-4 months. I do have many patients that claim it lasts longer. They are typically more frequent users of Botox and there is a theory that the more often Botox is used the longer the duration of effect.

Most of my patients come in every 4-6 months for treatment. (Steven Hacker, MD, West Palm Beach Dermatologic Surgeon)

Botox works time after time

Botox is a very consistent treatment over time. In is rare to see a decrease in results even after years of use. (Susan Van Dyke, MD, Paradise Valley Dermatologic Surgeon)

Botox Dysport injection frequency may lengthen after 2 years of consistent injection every 3 months

There is a recent study that has confirmed clinical observation made by several aesthetic physicians, that is, frequency of Botox or Dysport injection may lengthen duration without losing efficacy after consistent injection every 3 months for 2 years. (William Ting, MD, Bay Area Dermatologic Surgeon)

“Needing less Botox over time” takes years.

There is a bit of a myth running around that after doing a little Botox for a little while, you can get away with less and less over time. This is partially true, but hard to achieve, and not necessarily a desirable goal.

It takes many repeated treatments over months to years, without allowing a complete wearing off between treatments, to achieve some atrophy of the muscles, and retraining, that can make a smaller dose of Botox still effective.

It doesn’t happen after two or three doses in a row. The other side of this, to address your question directly, is that Botox usually does not have less effect over time in most people.

A Typical Botox Treatment Should Last For Up To 3 To 4 Months

Very rarely, there is a possibility that some patients may develop “antibodies” to the molecule, so the body breaks it down and it doesn’t last as long. In these cases, some patients may switch to Dysport and have a good effect. (Jessica J. Krant, MD, MPH, New York Dermatologic Surgeon)

Duration of Botox effects

The effects of Botox treatments usually last 3-4 months for the majority of patients. However, I do have several patients whose results last 6 months but I also have a couple patients whose results last a little less than 3 months. (Steven E. Rasmussen, MD, FAAD, Austin Dermatologist)

Botox Results are Consistent

The beautiful thing about Botox is that the results are consistent over time and reproducible. I have not seen any diminution in results over time. The time of onset tends to be predictable with individual patients, as is the duration of activity (about 3 months). (Stephen Prendiville, MD, Fort Myers Facial Plastic Surgeon)