How Long For Botox To Set In?

Botox starts to work in 2-4 days, full effect 1-2 weeks

You will start to see results from Botox in 2-4 days, but often the full effect will not be set in until 1-2 weeks. At that time, you can reassess if you need any touch up.

For a quicker effect, Dysport has its full effect in 3-5 days. (Katherine Dee, MD, Seattle Physician)

When Does Botox Start Working?

The effects of botox usually set in after 4-5 days. However, I always tell patients they should wait 2 weeks before deciding whether the botox is working. As far as we know, there is no “limit” to the number of times that you can get botox done.

Botox Injections Are The Most Common Anti Aging Treatment

I tell my patients that most people will need to repeat the botox in 4 to 6 months. Remember, while botox is working, you are getting “wrinkle free time”. So if your botox works for 6 months, and you only do it once a year, you are still going to have less wrinkles.

I like my patients to wait until they can fully make the expression again before getting another injection – that way all the “old” botox is completely gone before we inject new botox in. If there is still some old botox that is attached to the receptor, then the new botox may just be metabolized by your body.

In my experience, Dysport starts to set in faster than botox, but it takes longer for it to completely start working (up to 2 weeks). (Jennifer Reichel, MD, Seattle Dermatologist)

Botox Is A Brand Name For Prescription Medicines Made By Allergan

Botox results can be seen within a few days with optimum effect at about 14 days

Normally Botox results start to have an effect after a few days with optimum effect at about 14 days. A good practitioner will often request that you come in for a review at this point, to assess the cosmetic result, and to make any fine-tuning adjustments, if necessary.

Once your practitioner knows how you respond, and becomes with familiar with your treatment over time, a check-up appointment becomes unnecessary. All long term clinical evidence supports the fact that Botox is very safe and significant numbers of patients have been treated safely for over 20 years.

The minimum gap is 3 months simply because you don’t need more than that (some considerably less than this). This is also to ensure that there is no chance of you becoming immune to the treatment.

Injecting Neurotoxins Into Your Face May Be Fairly Common

The average return rate for patients is every 4 months or so. (Tracy Mountford, MBBS, London Physician)

The onset is slightly different for everybody.

I would say most people see their Botox start working in 3-4 days. You won’t see the full effects of it, though, until 2 weeks. This is way I don’t perform touch-ups until that time. Dysport (another product like Botox) has shown to have a slightly faster onset in many people.

This is why I prefer to try this product on patients who may need to it take effect sooner. (Juan A. Brou, MD, Oklahoma City Plastic Surgeon)

Botox results can be seen after a couple of days usually

There have been several clinical studies comparing which form of Botox works quickest and lasts the longest. Dysport has been shown to act within 24 hours with 90% of patients seeing results within 1 week. It also lasts on average between 4-5 months. (Ravi Jain, MBBS, London Physician)

Put Your Safety And Health First

The average Botox patient generally sees results within 4-14 days, although this varies with each person depending upon individual physiology. First time users of Botox Cosmetic may find that the results take longer to appear.

Full results are generally visible within one to two weeks and you will notice a smoothing of lines and wrinkles as the muscles are relaxed. The treated areas (vertical or horizontal forehead lines and crow’s feet), will appear smoothed for a fresher and naturally younger appearance.

Botox injections may continue indefinitely, with many patients using it to prevent a deepening of lines and to keep existing lines in check. (Jia Zheng, MD, Vancouver Physician)

It typically takes 7-10 days to see the effects of Botox once it is injected. I will often have patients follow up in 2 weeks, because that should be the time it takes to have the full effect of treatment.

A Botox Injection For The First Time

At that follow up we can assess the treatment and determine if the patient would need any additional treatment. Treatments are typically spaced every 3-4 months, as this is how long it typically takes for the muscle movement to return.

That time will vary per patient. At this time there is no evidence limiting how long one can continue to receive injections. You would need to stop injections if you became pregnant or are nursing.

Also, if you have any neuromuscular disorders, you would want to use caution and obtain clearance from the provider treating that disorder before having injections.

To be sure, see two or more experienced, licensed and board-certified providers in your area for a complete evaluation to make sure you are a good candidate and that it is safe for you to have treatment. (J. Jason Wendel, MD, FACS, Nashville Plastic Surgeon)

Botox Between Eyebrows With Dr. Grant Stevens, MD, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon

The majority of patients will see Botox results within 5-7 days. However, I have seen some patients notice results within 24 hours and as long as 12- 14 days. (Robert Colvin, MD, San Francisco Physician)

In my practise in Dublin & London I inject with Botox by Allergan. On average, most patients will see results stating to occur in 3-5 days but with some patients it may take up to 10 days.

We invite all patients back 14 days post treatment to review and have any top ups/adjustments. (Kambiz Golchin, MBBS, FRCS (Eng), FRCS(ORL-HNS), London Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Botox begins its effect in about 2-3 days and has completed its action in 2 weeks. Dysport may begin slightly faster according to some reports. I usually recommend intervals of 3-4 months but the effective period varies from patient to patient.

Dr Kafele T. Hodari, MD, MBA, Chico Dermatologic Surgeon – 44 Year Old Woman Treated With Botox

There is no time limit regarding length of treatment, just as long as you want to look better.(Maurice M. Vick, Jr., MD, Baton Rouge Urologist)

To see immediate results of Botox, patients typically wait 3-4 days but it can take a full 10 days to 2 weeks to see the effects. Each botox treatment lasts about 3-4 months, but this varies based on person to person, as it is related to how quickly new neuromuscular receptors regenerate.

There is no limit to how long one can keep getting botox but long time users can see 1) atrophy or weakening of the muscle so that lesser amounts are needed to achieve the same results or 2) develop a tolerance to one brand of botox and need to be switch to a different type. (Sapna A. Patel, MD, Seattle Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Doctor Mehryar (Ray) Taban, MD, FACS, Beverly Hills Oculoplastic Surgeon – Botox Injection To Correct Eye And Eyebrow Asymmetry.

Botox onset

Results can be seen after just 3-4 days but it does take a full 2 weeks for full efficacy. Everyone is different. Lines for some may be deeper and have been present for much longer. These lines will take longer to soften but marked results in just one application.

Three treatments a year is typical at 4 month intervals but some will treat only 1 or 2 times a year and be very happy with their results. Always discuss your results with your practitioner to develop and individualized treatment plan. (Calvin Wilson, MD, Philadelphia OB-GYN)

Botox effect, full benefit, duration, maintenance

Botox quiets overactive facial muscles that cause dynamic wrinkles- wrinkles that are worsened with that particular muscle movement. It’s effect can be noted as early as 3 days to a week and full benefits noted at 2 weeks.

The duration of its effect is 3 to 4 months for most. On the face, cosmetically it is FDA approved for Between Brows- “Angry 11” or Sides of eyes- “Crow’s feet”. It is also used off label for Forehead creases, Brow lift, Nose droop with smiling, gummy smile, horizontal crease on upper white lip, Sides of the chin and Middle of the chin.

Those new to Botox should be re-evaluated 2 weeks after injection for need of additional units. It is safe to have Botox every 3-4 months x infinity for most and a great investment in one’s anti-aging strategy. (Ritu Malhotra, MD, Cleveland Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Timing of Botox Effect

In most people lines of expression will start relaxing in 4-6 days with maximal effect in about 2 weeks. Since the effects wear off in 3-4 months it is a good idea to repeat the injection at that time to prevent the muscles bulking up again causing the lines to grow deeper.

Botox prevents the permanent etched-in lines when your face is not moving. Once those deep lines are created, other more expensive methods of removal are required. (Leslie Pickens, MD, Alexandria Emergency Medicine Physician)