Glabella Botox Units

Typically you can use 20 in this area and have very good results. (Robert Whitfield, MD, FACS, Austin Plastic Surgeon)

Usually it ranges from 15-35 units depending on the person and the look wanted. (Tal T. Roudner, MD, FACS, Miami Plastic Surgeon)

Treating the glabella area generally takes between 20-30 units depending. 50 units may be used to address various areas of the face. (Samuel Hetz, MSc, MD, Ottawa Physician)

I would suggest 15-20 units to produce a nice result. (Kenneth B. Hughes, MD, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)

25-35 would be considered a “Standard” dose. I also did a very large study looking at doses of Botox. Once you hit about 35 units, in most people, the effect doesn’t change.

Botox Cosmetic Dosage Guide

The issue is, if you underdose someone, it may not last as long. (James Bonaparte, MD, MSc, FRCSC, Ottawa Facial Plastic Surgeon)

There are a few different neurotoxins used to relax the facial muscles. For the neurotoxin Botox 50u is a lot of units to relax the muscles of the glabella alone. The average dose for the glabella in my practice is around 20 units of Botox. (Julie Edween, DO, Beverly Hills Facial Plastic Surgeon)

It’s not uncommon to use 50 units of Botox for a full facial treatment, but this would often include other areas, such as the forehead and the crow’s feet. A typical starting dose in the glabella alone would be 16-24 units.

Dysport is another FDA-approved neuromodulator that is used much the same way as Botox. A typical starting dose for Dysport in the glabella would be 50-70 units. (Faiyaaz Kalimullah, MD, FAAD, Chicago Dermatologic Surgeon)

Botox For The Management Of Glabellar Rhytids

There are 3 botulinum toxins available for injection. They are the following, Botox, Dysport and Xeomin. When injected with Botox or Xeomin it is standard to be injected with 20 units. When injected with Dysport the standard dose is 50 units.

You should never be afraid to ask your injector which product they are using and how many units are injected so you are fully aware. I can guarantee your injector would be more than happy to answer any and all questions you may have. (Elena Vega, DO, New York General Surgeon)

For just the Glabella area alone the average dose is approximately 20-25 units of Botox. 50 units is more of an average multiple area treatment dose. (Leonard Lu, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

I have been able to achieve very very good results even with only 16 units. Occasionally I may use 20 if the person has extremely active muscles. (Reza Tirgari, MD, San Diego Physician)

The Best Botox Dose For Forehead Wrinkles And Frown Lines

I would suggest starting conservatively by using 20 units (lowest recommended dose) to treat your glabellar area. Please keep in mind that Botox will start working a couple of days after treatment; you will see your final result in 2 weeks.

I like to see new patients for reevaluation at 2 weeks to determine if additional Botox is needed. Please be sure to see an expert injector for an in-person consultation to fully discuss your goals and expectations in order to determine the best treatment plan. (Christian N. Ford, M.D., Boston Physician)

Botulinum Toxin comes in Many Flavors

This is actually a common source of confusion for patients. We refer to most paralyzing injectables as “botox” which is short for Botulinum Toxin, the substance originally produced by the bacteria Clostridium botulinum.

However, there are different brand name products of Botulinum Toxin Type A available for injection such as Botox, Dysport and Xeomin.

The Forehead And Frown Line Areas

It is important that you know which brand name is being used for your treatment in order to compare apples to apples. For example, 50 units of Botox brand for the glabella and procerus muscles that produce the “number 11” frown lines between the eyebrows is generally a large amount.

Whereas 50 units of Dysport brand would usually be appropriate. Still, it is important to recognize that muscles vary in strength and appearance. Ultimately, it is up to the injector to make the clinical decision of how much to use on an individual basis. (Vania E. Fernandez, MD, Miami Physician)

Be careful where you get your Botox

I have treated many patients with an intense scowl of the glabella (which is a coordinated 3 muscle unit) and I cannot recall a time I used 50 units.

Off the top of my head, I would be hard pressed to remember a time I used more than 35-38 units in the glabella.

Treating Frown Lines Between The Eyebrows In The Frown Line

There are many plastic surgeons or plastic surgery RNs, NPs, PAs, aestheticians out there with so much experience and fantastic results.

What I see more often than not in our practice is patients jumping around looking for the best price. (Joseph Greco III, MD, Brentwood General Surgeon)

Botox/Dysport/Xeomin Dosing for Glabella lines

The average dosing is initially around 20-25, but can be as much as 60. It depends on the muscle strength, size, male or female and anticipated results (ie brow lifting or just 11 lines). I suggest you see a cosmetic dermatologist for a formal evaluation. (Jason Emer, MD, Los Angeles Dermatologic Surgeon)

For most women, 20-25 units is enough to treat the glabella. Some women with very strong muscles will need 30 units and men could require even more. However, if this is your first time doing botox, I strongly recommend you start with the lower end of the range.

You can always add more but if you are treated with too much botox you can’t take it back. Please find an experienced dermatologist or plastic surgeon and you will be very pleased with the results!! Tarek M Fakhouri, MD. (Tarek M. Fakhouri, MD, Houston Dermatologic Surgeon)

I usually place 25 units. One exception is in patients that have had a lot of Botox in the past. Sometimes they require a higher dose. Also maybe they were planning on placing some in other areas other than the glabella?. (Jeffrey Marvel, MD, Nashville Facial Plastic Surgeon)

The glabella complex, with forehead, is on average treated with 30-35 units of Botox. Additional units may be added at the follow-up visit if necessary for optimal results. (Alain Michon, MD, Ottawa Physician)

I might recommend doing 2 sessions 3 weeks apart. Start with 20+ units than see effect after 3 weeks. If more needed than you can obtain in a second visit… (Darryl J. Blinski, MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon)