Dr Holmes 95405

Name: Kyle Holmes, MD
Last name: Holmes
Began aesthetic medicine in: 2005
Years experience: 18
Primary Specialty: Physician
Business: Derma IPL Therapeutics
Address: 4357 Montgomery Dr.
City: Santa Rosa
State: California
Zip Code: 95405
Country: US
Consulting Fees: 0$
Has Sponsored Offer : No
Clinical Privileges
GPS coordinates on map: 38.4456,-122.7180023

Primary location
Location name: Santa Rosa
State: CA
Country: US
Map point: 38.4456,-122.7180023
  • Botox
  • Dermal Fillers
  • Dysport
  • IPL
  • Juvederm
  • Lip Fillers
  • Restylane
  • Restylane Defyne
  • Restylane Lyft
  • Restylane Refyne
  • Restylane Silk
  • Volbella
  • Vollure
  • Voluma

Kyle Holmes, MD

RealSelf Info

Profile views: 84
Answer count: 10
Star rating: 2.0473720558371
Profile created: Nov 14, 2018
Profile modified: Oct 2, 2019
Profile photo modified: Feb 21, 2020
Profile promotion: No
Profile inactive: No
Premier status: Free
Tier: Free-Unclaimed
RealCare Promise: No
Directory link: Physician
RealSelf’s PRO: No
Doctor Designation Start Time: Nov 18, 2018
Doctor Designation End Time: Jan 1, 2033


  • Santa Rosa, CA, US. GPS coordinates: 38.4456,-122.7180023

Practice Locations

Name & Website
Derma IPL – Santa Rosa, https://www.dermaipl.com/
4357 Montgomery Dr., Santa Rosa, California, US, 95476 (GPS coordinates: 38.4572927,-122.6721547)
(707) 800-9155
Working Hours
Created / Modified
Nov 1, 2018 / Dec 3, 2019

Doctor’s answers

Answer Header & Date
Answer Snippet
5 days post-op. IPL burn mark is getting worse every day. What can I do to help it heal?
This will take some time
May 27, 2019
If your entire chest was treated, it is odd that you have a single burn, unless it was a test spot done at higher energy. Fortunately, burns from IPL usually heal uneventfully because the energy is delivered to superficial layers of the skin, which heal faster than deep dermis or fat. The best thing you can do to speed healing is use Bacitracin ointment twice daily (vitamin E has been advocated in the past, but new info shows it can worsen scarring). Give it 3 weeks, as mild…
After cheek filler I have prominent lines and look like a Star Trek character. Will this last? What sho
Fillers Can Be Moved
May 10, 2019
Of course it is always best to talk to your practitioner before you start following online advice; however, I would make a couple of recommendations:
1. Massage the area to distribute the filler into a less prominent field
2. This might be post-injection inflammation that will get better in a few days. Ice will help with swelling
3. If the appearance is still harsh after a week then hyaluronidase can be injected to break down the filler
Accidental sun damage after IPL and laser, is it permanent?
Give It Some Time
Apr 23, 2019
If you had IPL for treatment for rosacea or facial flushing it is possible that you simply have a sunburn because the IPL treatment made your skin more sensitive to sun. It is unlikely that you will have permanent redness as a result of the sun exposure. Following IPL, it is best to wait 3 weeks before deciding if you had good results. Give it 3 weeks following the sun exposure and if you still have redness you may benefit from an additional IPL…
Will Botox fade more quickly from areas which it has spread vs injected?
Softening Effect Within Weeks
Mar 1, 2019
Sorry to hear your result was not satisfactory. Effects from Botox will resolve as your body metabolizes it over the next few months. Fortunately, the areas of “spread” or peripheral effects will resolve faster than the central injection effects, usually within a couple of weeks. If you develop a drooping eyelid your doctor can prescribe eyedrops that will help that. Also, sometimes an overarched brow can be fixed by carefully placed additional Botox. Hope things improve for you!
Are there side effects for having Botox for a prolonged period of time and then stopping?
Botox is a muscle relaxer
Feb 14, 2019
Hi, thanks for your really interesting question. I have been treating patients with Botox for over 20 years, so this question has been posed to me several times. In a word, no, it is not likely your friend’s facial laxity is caused by stopping Botox. It is a temporary muscle relaxer, so it can cause sagging if it is injected into the wrong areas. When it wears off in a few months the muscles recover, so any laxity should actually improve when it is stopped. Perhaps something…
I just had an IPL but no result’s were shown . How long does It take for result’s to show ?
IPL Is A Process
Jan 20, 2019
IPL for removal of pigmented lesions like freckles and moles is a gradual process. The safest and most effective way to accomplish treatments is to start with low energy settings that may do very little, but allows the practitioner to assess your skin reaction. Each treatment the energy will be turned up to gradually remove the lesions. Make sure your treatment is done by a medical professional (doctor or physician assistant/NP) so that any complications can be treated immediately
What do you feel is the % of recurring patients for Botox? Why don’t people return? Cost? Inconvenience
Dec 30, 2018
I’ve thought about that question before and concluded it comes down to the vagaries of priority. I have a 50/50 mix of committed patients who schedule treatment every 3-4 months, and others I treat once and never see again. It is truly an optional therapy, and a bit pricey, so many people get treatment when they have “extra” money, a special event, or out of curiosity. Nearly everyone loves the results, but it does not make the top of…

Last updated on 12/08/2023