Botox Units For Glabellar Lines
20 units of botox for glabellar lines are reasonable amount. It really depends on how active and thick your muscles are.
Male patients and patients with very active muscles may need more units. Also, it may not completely ‘get rid’ of your 11’s.
The lines on your skin that are etched into your skin will NOT go away. Sometimes fillers such as Juvederm or Restylane are needed to help it further. (Kyle S. Choe, MD, Virginia Beach Facial Plastic Surgeon)
20 – 25 units of Botox is a standard place to start for female glabella (Males may require more).
I usually start with lower dose and have my patients return at 2 weeks for a follow up visit.
You can always add more if needed. Botox takes on average 3 – 5 days to notice ANY change. The final relaxation may take up to 14 days. (Ralph Trey Aquadro, MD, Auburn Plastic Surgeon)

Botox For Glabellar Lines By Dr. Daniel Levy, MD, Bellevue Dermatologic Surgeon
20 to 30 units would be enough for glabellar lines. If they are moderate frown lines then 20 units of Botox will do.
If you have bulky muscle in the glabellar area you may need more. You will see the results in about a week. (Naveen Somia, MBBS, PhD, FRACS, Sydney Plastic Surgeon)
The number of units of Botox required to treat your “11’s” will vary. Typically if I am starting someone on Botox for the first time I would use 12-20 units. This depends on age and the severity of the lines.
You will not see the results for several days and will not see the full result for nearly 2 weeks. You likely just need to be patient. It is possible that you are a “non-responder” but that is rare.

Doctor Daniel Levy, MD, Bellevue Dermatologic Surgeon – Botox For Glabellar Lines
As long as you went to a reputable office where real Botox was used, then you should start seeing a nice change very soon. (Rodger Shortt, FRCSC, Toronto Plastic Surgeon)
Botox for Frown Lines – Varies from Patient to Patient
The amount of botox needed to treat vertical glabellar lines varies from patient to patient and depends on several variables. These include the patient’s athletic goals and the strength of their underlying glabellar muscles.
The majority of patients don’t see a response to botox for 2 to 3 days following injection. This response continues to improve for 5 to 7 days following the procedure. It’s not unusual for patients to require 20 to 25 units for adequate treatment of frown lines.
For this reason, 20 units and a charge of $256 doesn’t seem unreasonable. Rarely, 20 units of botox isn’t adequate and additional botox may be necessary. In some cases where the furrows are deeply etched, patients may also need dermal fillers.

Dr Amy Forman Taub, MD, Chicago Dermatologic Surgeon – Patient Treated With BOTOX Cosmetic And Restylane
Under these circumstances, it’s important to stay close to your provider. (Richard J. Bruneteau, MD, Omaha Plastic Surgeon)
Botox units for frown lines between the eyebrows
The amount of Botox required for injection in the”11’s” or corrugator lines between the eyebrows is 20-25 units. This effect will last 4-8 months in this area. Patients who have a large muscle and severe dermal atrophy will tend to last a lesser period time than people who are have small muscles and no atrophy.
The maximum effect will be at day 7 after the injection (William Portuese, MD, Seattle Facial Plastic Surgeon)
The number of units of Botox necessary to improve the “11’s” is variable.
The muscles that create the “11’s” are fairly strong. Botox dosing anywhere from 10-20 units will usually stop the dynamic motion of those muscles. That being said there are muscles around the eyes that also contribute to the most in the area between your eyebrows, so you might see a little bit of motion even after the Botox has kicked in.

Brotox Botox For Glabellar Lines By Doctor Angela Champion, MD, Newport Beach Plastic Surgeon
If you have “moderate/severe “11’s”” on your face then you probably have some fixed wrinkling in that area. Botox will not get rid of this. Deep chemical peeling, dermabrasion, laser resurfacing, and the use of injectible filler can help those wrinkles. (Manish H. Shah, MD, FACS, Denver Plastic Surgeon)
Botox for 11 area
Every patient is different and must have their own individual treatment. Men may require more Botox than women in a certain areas. Other patients may have hypertrophic (strong) muscles and may require more Botox compared to patients with weaker muscles.
The key is to use the least amount to get the best result. Some patients need a combination of Botox and filler to the 11 area. There is no universal or absolute amount of Botox units for all patients in any defined area.
Everyone is different and should be treated that way. (George C. Peck, Jr, MD, West Orange Plastic Surgeon)
Although the amount varies, it typically takes between 20-30 units of botox to adequately treat the glabellar creases, or the 11’s. This can be adjusted based on the strength of the muscle, the depth of the crease, and past experience treating this area. (Jeffrey Rockmore, MD, Albany Plastic Surgeon)
The average amount of Botox used for the “11” lines between the eyebrows is around 20-25 units for a female, which translates into 5 units or so in 4 injections around the brow. You can also inject the midline with about 5 unit to correct that “bunny line” which occurs with the 11’s quite often.
Men can require more units as their facial muscles are often thicker and stronger. Likewise, if these are deep furroughs they may need to be filled with something like Juvederm, which is not uncommon. The key point is communication with your doctor, and careful aesthetic judgement. (Srdjan Ostric, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

Dr. William Groff, DO, San Diego Dermatologist – 41 Year Old Man Treated With Botox
Average number of units for glabellar lines
The average number of units for the glabella is between 15-30 units with most patients using around 20 units. Since you were injected with botox just yesterday, it may take 4-7 days to see a difference.
For patients for deeper lines, you may not see complete removal of the lines. If you are not satisfied with your botox injection after 1-2 weeks, consider calling the office to see if you need additional units. (Anil R. Shah, MD, Chicago Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Botox takes 5-7 days to have it’s full effect
If you had your Botox yesterday, it will take a few more days to see the effect so try to wait and see the full results. The average number of units into the glabellar area that you describe the “11” is between 20-24 units.

Dr. Gregory Pippin, MD, Metairie Facial Plastic Surgeon – Botox For Glabellar Lines
A few patients need less, but many need more for very strong muscles in this area. The price you describe and that dose of 20 units is within a very standard range. (Jennifer Janiga, MD, Reno Dermatologic Surgeon)
Forehead 11’s and botox
Average units for 11’s is 20-25 but some patients will require more. Your wrinkles may be too deep to completely go away with botox. You may need a filler in this area for correction. (Kurtis Martin, MD, Cincinnati Plastic Surgeon)
20 units are a good amount for the 11 lines if injected the proper way sometimes if the 1 lines are too pronounced a filler will be needed. (Jhonny Salomon, MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon)
Units of Botox for Frown Lines
The amount of units is dependent on the muscle mass. The corrugator muscles responsible for the 11’s usually will respond to a dose of 20 units.The effect is not immediate and that it takes at least a week to ten days for the full effect to be seen.

Static Frown Lines
You should also know that if you have etched lines in the skin, even using botox to relax the muscles may not be enough to efface the lines. Patients in their 50-60’s on up often need to have added filler in those etched lines.
One test is spreading skin between the brows. If there are still lines on the skin, then they won’t go away with just neuromodulators like botox. (Michael M. Kim, MD, Portland Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Treating glabellar lines 20-30 units
Frown lines are created by one of the stronger muscles in the face. I usually use 25 units for first time patients but this needs to be tailored to each patient because some have stronger or weaker muscles than others.
Twenty (20) units is on the low end but not out of the normal units used in this area especially if you have had previous injections here. You also need to be patient as the results take 3-7 days for full effect. (Kristina Tansavatdi, MD, Los Angeles Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Botox treatment of the glabellar lines
Most patients will require 20 units to treat the frown lines. Men may require more (25-30). It takes 5-7 days to see any effect when treated for the first time and the final result can take 1-2 weeks.
Therefore, one never judges their result until 2 weeks after treatment. (Robert S. Bader, MD, FAAD, Boca Raton Dermatologic Surgeon)
obvious improvement after botox treatment begins to appear after 2 or 3 days (if you take a picture every day and compare them)…but you may need a week or two to see the improvement in the mirror…
if your “11s” are moderate to severe and your muscles are large, then 20 units might be on the low side…certainly enough for early to mild and even for moderate wrinkles…and for men, the number of units can easily be twice the amount you received…imagine the difference in muscle mass between Mariah Carey and Arnold Schwarzenegger…definitely can’t use 20 units for each and expect the same results…for some people the creases may be so severe that botox needs to be coupled with a filler like juvederm or restylane to get “rid” of them… (Ken Landow, MD, Las Vegas Dermatologist)