Botox Injections For Marionette Lines

Both fillers and botox can be used here to correct the down corners of the mouth and marrionette lines. The neurotoxin paralyses the muscles that are pulling the mouth down and the filler pushes the corners of the mouth back up.

In the hands of your injecting physician you should get the results you seek. (Purvisha Patel, MD, Germantown Dermatologist)

Filler is more common for the Marionette lines. Botulinum toxin paralyzes muscles and one small muscle doesn’t cause the lines there. It is more an interface between gravity and the tissue there. (John P. Di Saia, MD, Orange Plastic Surgeon)

Botox is not for marionette lines, fillers work better

Fillers are used to replace volume and help improve the marionette lines between the corners of the mouth and chin. Botox doesn’t help these lines, but does help lift up the corner of the mouth if it has started to droop.

Belotero For Marionette Lines

The Botox is injected in the vicinity of the depressor anguli oris (DAO) muscle near the jaw for that purpose. Injecting Botox near the marionette lines may give you a distortion of the mouth temporarily. (Ronald Shelton, MD, Manhattan Dermatologic Surgeon)

Botox is usually worthless for marionette lines.

You usually need fillers for marionette lines. Radiesse for $630/ syr or Restylane/juvederm $550/ syr is the usual choice. Don’t waste your money on botox in this area. (David Hansen, MD, Beverly Hills Dermatologic Surgeon)

Nice Correction of Puppet (Marionettem, Drool) Lines with Filler and Botox

When going to a restaurant, we usually ask the waiter what are the house specialties ASSUMING these would be the best dishes in the restaurant. I doubt you would insist a restaurant prepare a dish that is not on the menu.

Botox Can Help With Some Of The Vertical Upper And Lower Lip Lines

When your doctor was reluctant to use Botox, he was indicating to you that EITHER you would not benefit from it OR that he was not comfortable placing Botox in that location. In other words, you may have been asking for a dish that is not on HIS menu of services.

Our facial expressions are dictated by a permanent tug of war battle between relaxing facial skin, absorbing facial bones but most importantly, lifting muscles (levators) battling against lowering muscles (depressors. The Puppet (or in French Marionette) or Drool Lines spanning down from the corners of the mouth inferiorly are accentuated by facial sagging which become jowling.

These CAN be flattened by placement of fillers (such as Restylane. Juvederm and Perlane). BUT – filling the line may not sufficiently rejuvenate it. In the young, the corners of the mouth point high and to the sides.

Botox Is A Drug Prepared From The Bacterial Toxin Botulin

As we age, the corners are along the same line as that between the lips. With further aging, they point down and to the sides (assuming a “sad” face) and finally they point down. If the corners of the mouth have either a side or side and down orientation they can be made to look MUCH better with expertly placed Botox in the muscles pulling the corner of the mouth down.

That COMBINED with filler gives GREAT RESULTS. But – if the restaurant you go to does not serve such a dish, you MAY wish to look for a chef who does. (Peter A. Aldea, MD, Memphis Plastic Surgeon)

Alternatives to Botox Treatment for Marionette Lines

Marionette lines are best treated with injectable fillers such as Juvederm Ultra or Radiesse.

While Botox Cosmetic is commonly injected in the DAO (depressor anguli oris) to help raise the corners of the mouth (commisural ptosis), volume is needed to correct the actual marionette line. (Glenn Vallecillos, MD, FACS, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)

Fillers Or Neurotoxins

Marionette lines

In general, fillers are best used to treat Marionette lines and to turn up the corners of the mouth. Botox can turn the corners up as well, but without examining you, it’s impossible to say what procedure or treatment would be recommended for you.

However, if your doctor is telling you that you don’t need any treatment of your marionette lines, you should take that into consideration.

If what you are seeking is a “tight feeling” neither botox or fillers in the marionette are likely to achieve that. (Catherine Huang-Begovic, MD, FACS, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)

Botox for Marionette Lines?

I have heard Botox used for this and have tried it in a handful of patients. I have not seen much improvement. Fillers are better here. (Lawrence Kass, MD, Saint Petersburg Oculoplastic Surgeon)

Managing The Marionette Lines

Botox for marionette lines

As you’re probably aware, Botox lasts on average 3 to 4 months so if you don’t like it, it will resolve on its own over time.

In many patients the Botox can create a nice upward tilt to the corner of the mouth which acts to diminish the look of an “angry” mouth and also marionette lines. (Deason Dunagan, MD, Huntsville Plastic Surgeon)

Correction of marionette lines

To correct your marionette lines, you will likely benefit from fillers or fat micrografting (fat injections). Botox will not be the best option for that specific area. (C. Bob Basu, MD, FACS, Houston Plastic Surgeon)

Correction of Marionette Lines

I would suggest a filler material for correction of marionette lines. These lines are “static” wrinkles, meaning they are caused by gravity and volume loss. “Static Wrinkles” require volume enhancement with a filler substance such as an artificial hyaluronic acid filler like Restylane or Juvederm, or a more permanent filler like fat.

Marionette Lines Make You Look The Oldest

“Dynamic Wrinkles” those that are caused by muscle motion, such as the crow’s feet or 11 lines between the brow, can be treated with Botox. Botox will paralyze the muscle which is causing the wrinkle to form… (Anthony Corrado, DO, Philadelphia Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Fillers not botox for marionette lines

Marionette lines are not caused by muscle contraction, therefore botox will not be effective in treating them. Marionette lines are caused by loss of soft tissue and sometimes of bone both in the lower and middle face.

That loss of underlying support structure causes drooping of the skin. That is best treated with dermal fillers. (Emily Altman, MD, Short Hills Dermatologic Surgeon)

Fillers best for Marionettes but a little Botox can help too

Fillers such as Juvederm or Perlane are the most effective way to correct marionettes. However a little Botox in the associated muscles (DAOs) can give some improvement to the area. Be cautious though, injecting the DAOs is considered advanced and should only be performed by a very experienced physician. (Julia Carroll, MD, Toronto Dermatologist)

One Of The Signs Of Aging

Marionette Lines and the use of Botox.

The most effective way to treat marionette lines is the use of a dermal filler like Juvederm or Radiesse. I have been very successful in adding Botox to the muscle the pulls on the corner of the lip (the depressor angularis oris).

Done well, the combination of dermal filler and Botox corrects marionette lines beautifully. (Anifat Balogun, MD, Seattle Otolaryngologist)

Botox is not for Marionette lines.

You may have learned by now that the Marionette lines is the lay term for the line or groove that goes from the mouth corner down to the jaw border. This is caused by thinning of the tissue layers, loss of tissue tone and deflation of the tissue thickness.

the result is sinking and sagging of the lower cheek tissues that slide along this crease. Fillers and skin tightening with or without surgery is recommended. Botox temporarily relaxes muscles and would be a primary treatment for these lines. (Mathew C. Mosher, MD, Vancouver Plastic Surgeon)

Remove Wrinkles By Temporarily Paralyzing Facial Muscles

Botox for Marionette Lines

Botox and Dysport are mainly used for the upper face from the eyes up. In the lower face it can be used to weaken the DAO (depressor anguli oris) muscle which prevents down turning of the corners of the mouth which can give a frowning appearance.

This may, in a small way, lessen the marionette lines.

I use a hyalurinic acid filler such as Juvederm or Restylane for superficial marionette lines and Radiesse for deeper lines in this area. (Mitchell Schwartz, MD, South Burlington Dermatologic Surgeon)

Marionette lines

Marionetter lines are those lines on the side of the face from the oral commissure down to the side of the chin and jowl region. These are best treated with fillers or a face lift. (Steven Wallach, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)

Injectable Fillers, not Botox, would be best for improving marionette grooves and wrinkles.

Since Botox works by locally paralyzing your muscles that make a particular wrinkle, this would not be a good idea for your marionette lines that are not due to excessive muscular activity. Injectable fillers work well for improving the appearance of many wrinkles around your mouth.

My personal preference is to use Silikon-1000, an off-label filler, for permanent results. All the best from NJ. (Eric M. Joseph, MD, West Orange Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Treating marionette lines

The primary treatment is with fillers, but a tiny bit of Botox in the muscle that turns the corner of the mouth down can possibly help too. (Richard P. Rand, MD, FACS, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)