Botox For Under Eye Wrinkles When Smiling

Botox can be used to treat those wrinkles, but it can be a delicate area. Botox helps most with the lines of squinting, not smiling.

If your injector isn’t comfortable using Botox for your crow’s feet, look for a board certified dermatologist or a board certified plastic surgeon that has extensive Botox training to treat crow’s feet with Botox. (Robert A. Weiss, MD, Baltimore Dermatologic Surgeon)

Botox for Excess Lower Lid Skin

You can have a few units of Botox properly placed to help your under ey smile wrinkles. Choose your injector most carefully. Good luck and be well. Bee’s knees! Dr. P. (Michael A. Persky, MD, Encino Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Treatment of fine lines under Eyes

A Small Injection Is Placed Just Underneath The Eyes

Botox can be used in small quantities and should be diluted specifically for that area. You should consult with an experienced facial plastic surgeon. Similarly, restylane can be used carefully to stiffen the lower eyelid skin. (Roy A. David, MD, San Diego Facial Plastic Surgeon)

A little botox goes a long way in improving under-eye creases.

Botox only works half the time for under eye creases but when it does, it is really nice for about $300 for 3-4 months of bliss. (David Hansen, MD, Beverly Hills Dermatologic Surgeon)

Eyes and filler/botox

Either can be used there. In my experience, it is a subtle improvement at best. You should know that before investing in it. (David A. Lickstein, MD, Palm Beach Gardens Plastic Surgeon)

Botox to relax the under eye creases

Botox Can Be Used Under The Eyes By Confident And Trained Injectors

Those under eye wrinkles and creases should do well with a very small amount of botox injected into the lower eyelid. It really requires one or two units on each side. Once the creases are relaxed, it will be more evident whether you need filler in that area or not. (Emily Altman, MD, Short Hills Dermatologic Surgeon)

Botox and fillers for fine eyelid lines.

Yes, you can improve this with botox and fillers. It should only be done by someone with a great deal of experience so you don’t end up with lumps. (Toby Mayer, MD, Beverly Hills Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Off Label use of Botox/Dysport for smile lines works

Smile lines around the eyes or squint lines can be diminished with the strategic use of botulinum toxin type A, otherwise known as Botox or Dysport. The goal is to relax the constricting muscles along the sides of the eye and in some cases the cheek lifting muscles.

Botox Treatment Under The Eyes Involves A Small Injection Under Each Eye In The Centre

It takes a lot of good experience, by the person doing your treatment, to do this well because you don’t want to end up with a weak smile, a known risk.

Ultimately, you want to start with a very small dose and slowly building up to your desired effect to minimize the risk of relaxing things too much.

This is a procedure that can be done relatively inexpensively and last for 3 to 6 months. Make sure to find a plastic surgeon or dermatologist who is a member of the physicians coalition for injectable safety to minimize the risk of the procedure. (Julius W. Few, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

Squint lines can be treated with botox

Squint lines can be treated with botox. These lines are often present on smiling because of the wrinkling of the skin produced when someone smiles. Relaxing only the upper chhek will preserve a natural smile and reduce squint lines. (Edward Lack, MD, Chicago Dermatologist)

Botox Treatments For Under Eyes Before And After

It depends on the location of your crinkles under the eye. If your crinkles are an extension of your crow’s feet, then yes these can be injected successfully with Botox; however, if your crinkles are lower on your cheek near your zygomaticus, then it is best to not use Botox in this area to avoid a droopy cheek and unnatural smile.

Instead, laser resurfacing would be a much safer, effective option. (Ava Shamban, MD, Santa Monica Dermatologic Surgeon)

While small amounts of Botox can be injected under the eye, extreme caution should be exercised

Wrinkling beneath the eyes that is exacerbated with smiling is a common concern. These under eye wrinkles will often become more pronounced following Botox injections to treat crow’s feet.

Minute amounts of Botox carefully injected may help to mitigate these wrinkles. However, too much Botox in this area can weaken important muscles around the eye and may lead to dryness or inability to properly close the eye.

How Effective Is Botox For Under Eye Wrinkles

So, your doctor is correct to be cautious. Be sure to go to a very experienced injector if you choose to have this area treated. (Julie K. Karen, MD, New York Dermatologic Surgeon)

Botox into the lower eyelid – can be done, but proceed with caution

Botox can be injected into the lower eyelid. The result is that the eye aperture does not close as much when the patient smiles. Botox should not be done on any person who already has a lax muscle there.

If a weak muscle is weakened further, it can result in sagging of the lower eyelid. This can result in inability to completely close the eyelid. If your issue is “crepey” under eyelid skin, then an eye cream with retinol, possibly in combination with a tightening procedure may be more helpful. (Melissa Chiang, MD, FAAD, Houston Dermatologic Surgeon)

Lines Underneath The Eyes

Botox under the eyes commonly done…helps some but not dramatic…all depends on the creasing especially when you squint…age dependent effects…older people are at greater risk of lid drooping with the injections if the muscles aren’t that strong…

doctor will check to make certain you’re a candidate…also must be only a small amount 1-2 units will do…but when you smile/not squint…botox isn’t too useful for those creases… (Ken Landow, MD, Las Vegas Dermatologist)

Botox for “crinkling” under the eyes – Buffalo Niagara, NY

Sometimes 2-3 units of Botox is used in the lower eyelid to treat hypertrophy of the orbicularis muscle. In essence, the orbiculris muscles of the lower eyelid cause “crinkling lines” and are responsible for holding the lower eyelid against the eye.

Natural Looking Treatment

When you smile, your cheeks are raised and crinkle the skin under the eyelid. I hope this explains why this occurs. The key is to use a judiciously small amount of Botox to relax the orbicularis muscle but not weaken it – weakening this muscle will result in sagging of the lower eyelid margin.

You would not like that effect either. The alternatives are laser resurfacing or Ultherapy as one can treat the area under the eye but not right up to the lower lid with the new 1.5 mm Ultherapy transducers.

The treatment needs to be kept outside of the orbit of the eye. The full effect will take 3-6 months from the time of treatment. (Hratch Karamanoukian, MD, FACS, Buffalo Phlebologist)

Botox Treatment of the ‘Jelly Roll’ below the Eye

Under The Eyes Can Often Be Neglected In A Botox Treatment

Botox is effective to decrease the crinkles beneath the lower eyelid. It is best to treat the crows feet of the lateral eye at the same time to create a smooth effect throughout the orbit.

It is best done by an experienced injector. If, as you smile, your cheeks push the eyelids skin upward, then this is not cured by Botox. What Botox will do, is to calm the Obicularis muscles, which makes the crinkles of the ‘jelly roll’ softer. Most people like his effect. (Luke J. Curtsinger, MD, Savannah Plastic Surgeon)

Botox can be injected under the eyes

Yes, Botox works great under the eyes. Delicate injection is important. There are new injection methods, called lateral injections, that enable a qualified physician to smooth out most of the lines that are noticed with smiling or squinting, including the lines near the nose. (Christine Glavey, MD (retired), Alpharetta Dermatologic Surgeon)

Botox under the eye has some benefit in select patients

Botox is probably not appropriate under the eye for you but in patients whose eyes get smaller when they smile there is a benefit. First I check that the lower eyelid skin “snaps back” when it is pulled.

One or two units of Botox in the lower lid will keep the eyes wider when the patient smiles. (Susan Van Dyke, MD, Paradise Valley Dermatologic Surgeon)

If there is a fold of skin under the eyes when you smile, one or two units of botox injected into that fold can relax it very nicely. The needle has to be held parallel to the skin and only a small amount injected. (Emily Altman, MD, Short Hills Dermatologic Surgeon)

Yes, Botox is used in this area to soften wrinkles under eyes when smiling. On average, I use 2.5 units on each side because you need to be careful about how much you put in that area so that it doesn’t affect the muscles too much. (David A. F. Ellis, MD, Toronto Facial Plastic Surgeon)