Best Way To Get Rid Of Forehead Wrinkles Without Botox

It would be best to start with Botox to see if that will give you the result that you are looking for. There are some potential risks to Botox, like developing a heavy brow due to the relaxation of your frontalis muscle.

Make sure that you go to a reputable board certified provider that explains the potential risks to you prior to treatment. (Reza Sadrian, MD, La Jolla Plastic Surgeon)

the best treatment for forehead wrinkles is Botox. The reason people develop wrinkles on their forehead is because of the muscle contraction and wrinkling of the forehead as a result of the contraction.

When you relax the forehead muscle, the skin no longer wrinkles. Botox is great at preventing these wrinkles as well as treating them.

A Little Botox Can Stop Wrinkles They Deepen

To maximize your treatment results, its always recommended that you consult with a board-certified dermatologist or cosmetic physician. (Azadeh Shirazi, MD, La Jolla Dermatologic Surgeon)

Forehead wrinkles are a common concern. Botox is an excellent treatment since it relaxes the muscles that cause the wrinkles.

While the treatment is not permanent, it generally last 3-5 months, and helps retrain your muscles over time to prevent wrinkling.

We love the immediate smoothing effect you get when Botox (or brother products Dysport and Xeomin) kicks in at 3-10 days post treatment. (Grayson Woods, MD, Nashville OB-GYN)

Both Botox/Dysport are injectables used to temporarily improve the look of moderate to severe wrinkles without changing the look of your whole face.

Both relax the muscle in the area treated to prevent facial movement such as frowning or squinting which creates wrinkles over time due to repeated muscle movements. Unfortunately there is nothing to permanently prevent wrinkles.

Botox Works Preemptively

Generally patients require re-treatment of either Botox/Dysport every 3-4 months to maintain optimal results. Please always consult your health care provider for further information. (Shareef Jandali, MD, Fairfield Plastic Surgeon)

In broad terms, your option is surgical vs non surgical. Non surgically: Botulinum toxin injections are safe, effective and proven for forehead wrinkles. Surgically, there is no permanent solution, not to mention the downtime.

Hence, I strongly recommend sticking to botulinum toxin treatment. (Daniel Chang, MSc, MBBS, Singapore Physician)

Generally, the best way to approach wrinkles on the forehead is with Botox. Treatment with Botox is simple, has a low side effect profile and usually gives excellent results. Another option would be surgical, but I wouldn’t recommend it. (Laurene DiPasquale, MD, Westwood Physician)

Botox is the absolute best solution for forehead wrinkles. The other solution is surgical which involves a coronal brow lift which leaves a scar over the top of the head from ear to ear. In addition the frontalis muscles which caused the wrinkles are cut but usually returns as do the wrinkles.

Even One Botox Treatment Can’t Erase The Lines

Botox injections are safe, effective in a much better solution than surgery. (Brooke R. Seckel, MD, FACS, Boston Plastic Surgeon)

I would try using a neuromodulator, like Botox, first to soften or eliminate these wrinkles. Please consult with an experienced certified injector for your injections. Injections need to be dosed and injected correctly to avoid any adverse effects.(Jon Kurkjian, MD, Fort Worth Plastic Surgeon)

There are 3 different neuromodulators on the market, Botox, Dysport and Xeomin. Feel free to ask your injector which product they will be using.

Do your research and seek a highly skilled board certified physician with experience in Botox treatment. You also want to make sure you receive adequate dosing in order to get the results you want. It can take up to 2 weeks to see the final results from your injection, at which time you may require additional injections.

Keeps Forehead Wrinkles At Bay

It can take more than one treatment to determine the best dosing for optimal results. (Philip Solomon, MD, FRCS, Toronto Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Botox is fast and simple and you will see results within 7-10 days. I believe you would be very happy with outcome when injected by an experienced professional injector. (H. George Brennan, MD, FACS, Newport Beach Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Forehead wrinkles can be successfully treated and maintained with botox. Several small injections are done and repeat it as needed. (Ramandeep Sidhu, MD, Issaquah Vascular Surgeon)

What works best for forehead wrinkles.

It all depends, but usually multiple approaches works best. Wrinkle blockers (e.g., Botox, Dysport, Xeomin) work great, but if your eyebrows are low then it can make them drop further.

Regular Botox Treatments Every 3-4 Months

Resurfacing of the skin can also help with laser or radiofrequency (e.g. Fractora). Dermal fillers can also be injected into the lines. Lastly surgery can be great to smooth the forehead and lift the eyebrows. (John R. Burroughs, MD, Colorado Springs Oculoplastic Surgeon)

Botox is really best option for these kinds of wrinkles. It will relax the underlying muscle and prevent any lines from becoming deeper.

The results last about 3-4 months although some patients find that they can get longer lasting results with regular maintenance.

Schedule an appointment with a board certified plastic surgeon or cosmetic dermatologist to be assessed in person and discuss. (Sean Doherty, MD, FACS, Boston Plastic Surgeon)

Neuromodulators such as Botox would be the treatment of choice for your concerns. Sometimes, additional fillers may be required if lines become etched. Consult with an experienced and board-certified physician. (Jessica H. Kim, MD, FAAD, Olympia Dermatologic Surgeon)

Starting Botox Early

Botox is best option for treating your forehead wrinkles. Although it is not a permanent solution, it will help with the wrinkles you have and also helps prevent new wrinkles from forming and current wrinkles from worsening. (Julia Ann Sullivan Miller, MD, Edison Ophthalmologist)

Botox over the years

I recommend Botox/Dysport for forehead lines. I have noticed that over years of relaxing or not using these muscles, the lines soften and you will eventually need less Botox/Dysport (either in the amount of units, or frequency of treatments). (Azin Meshkinpour, MD, MPH, FAAD, Lake Forest Dermatologist)

Botox will relax the wrinkles and smooth out the lines. It should last for 3-4 months. Botox will also prevent the lines from becoming deeper.

If your lines are fairly deep, you may want to consider a dermal filler as well to soften the lines. You should consult with an experienced provider who can best advise you. (Jean M. Casello, MD, Northborough Physician)

When Should You Start Botox

Forehead line treatment

The best treatment for forehead lines is Botox but if they are deep you may need an additional treatment with a filler and be sure you see a board certified dermatologist. (Melvin Elson, MD, Nashville Dermatologist)

When assessing forehead wrinkles it it necessary to not only look at the location of the wrinkles and degree of indentation (slight wrinkling versus deeply etched rhytids), but also brow position.

Neuromodulators (Botox, Dysport, Xeomin) can be great tools is softening (and at times even completely eliminating) wrinkles, but they can also lead to lowering of the brow. Furthermore, deep wrinkles are de-focused with neuromodulators, but will remain since they are heavily etched into the skin.

Fillers / lasers / micro-needling therapy can be used as an adjunct to neuromodulators to help further eliminate wrinkles set into the skin. A surgical route (brow lift) can also be considered to help reduce forehead wrinkling if this is caused by a lower brow position causing you to furrow your forehead in order to lift the brow up.

A consultation with a trusted aesthetic surgeon is recommended so that all options can be discussed to help you with your ideal look. (Hardik Doshi, MD, Brooklyn Physician)

I do think the best treatment would be the use of a neuromodulator like Botox, Dysport, or Xeomin. All work in similar fashion to limit the wrinkling seen when you move your forehead muscle. Fortunately/Unfortunately there is no permanent solution. (Nelson Castillo, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)

Botox/Dysport for treatment of horizontal forehead lines

Unfortunately, there is no permanent solution. That being said, neuromodulators like Botox/Dysport are the best treatment option for horizontal lines on the forehead. I would combine this with at home retinol use and you will see a significant improvement in the appearance of your forehead over time. (Shaun Patel, MD, Miami Physician)

What works best for forehead wrinkles

The best treatment would be a neuromodulator like Botox, Xeomin or Dysport. Neuromodulators are safe and with repetitive use, future lines that may develop are minimized. (Anteneh Roba, MD, Fairfax Physician)

In general botox can be a great treatment to soften forehead lines. Some individuals have a naturally low brow position which in turn causes them to over compensate by lifting the brows up and causing forehead lines. In these situations an endscopic browlift may be an option.

It would be my recommendation to start with the least invasive procedures and see if that would meet your aesthetic goals. (M. Bradley Calobrace, MD, FACS, Louisville Plastic Surgeon)