When Will Botox Start Working?

BOTOX injections take anywhere from three to seven days to take full effect. BOTOX can last anywhere from three to four months, although some can go longer before needing repeat treatments.

Some factors that can affect the longevity of your injections include your body’s metabolism of the toxin and the strength of your muscles.

Because of this, people with stronger muscles may need more BOTOX to achieve the desired results.

Once patients start receiving BOTOX injections on a regular basis, they may begin to notice that they can go longer before requiring touch-up treatments to maintain their wrinkle-free appearance. (Leonard Hochstein, MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon)

Timing before botox results can be seen

Botox usually starts to activate in 2 – 3 days with full activation in 5 to 7 days with some cases taking longer such as 10 days – 2 weeks. Botox can be injected as needed within reason. Most patients do have botox every 3 to 4 months, but some patients prefer to have botox 5 or 6 times per year.

28 Year Old Man Treated With Botox By Doctor David Shahram Mashhadian, MD, Beverly Hills Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon

28 Year Old Man Treated With Botox By Doctor David Shahram Mashhadian, MD, Beverly Hills Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon

Ensure that you are having your treatments with an experienced and expert physician injector as a master injector can maximize the duration and quality of the results and minimize the units of botox required to achieve these results. (Kris M. Reddy, MD, FACS, West Palm Beach Plastic Surgeon)

Botox results take 4-7 days to become apparent

Since Botox is a neurotoxin, its effect on the muscles of facial expression are not manifested in your skin’s appearance until 4-7 days after injection. Some people shorter, some longer. Some of the difference is related to the dose-response curve for each individual. (Scott C. Sattler, MD, FACS, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)

Botox results are seen within a week

Onset of Effect

Botox can take anywhere from 7-14 days for the full effect to be seen. The results are gradual, so you may begin seeing slight results within a few days of the treatment. Typically by day 7 the full results will show, but for some people, it may take as long as 14 days for the full results to show.

31 Year Old Female Treated With Botox By Dr. Marco Carmona, MD, Mexico Plastic Surgeon

31 Year Old Female Treated With Botox By Dr. Marco Carmona, MD, Mexico Plastic Surgeon

Treatment Regimen

Botox injections can last between 3 to 4 months. Like the onset of effect, the results will gradually begin to wear off. There is no limit on the number of years that one can continue a Botox regimen

Botox has been in use for over 20 years and has a number of therapeutic uses beyond just relaxing wrinkles. (Margaret Weiss, MD, Baltimore Dermatologic Surgeon)

Botox results seen in 4-5 days

Botox takes around 4-5 days to start working, reaching it’s peak in around 21 days and starts to wear off at 90 days. (David Finkle, MD, Omaha Plastic Surgeon)

Average Times for Botox Results to Appear

In my practice, I’d estimate that about half of my patients see results within a few days, and the other half can take up to a week to see the full effect. It really depends on the person.

31 Year Old Woman Treated With Botox With Doctor John Paletta, MD, Savannah Plastic Surgeon

31 Year Old Woman Treated With Botox With Doctor John Paletta, MD, Savannah Plastic Surgeon

I rarely hear about patients for which it takes longer than a week to see results, unless they are among the very small percentage of people for whom it doesn’t seem to work at all for, and for those cases, I’ve had good results with Dysport. (Steven Svehlak, MD, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)

How long to see results after Botox

Botox works by getting taken up by the muscle cells therefore it takes 3-4 days to see the effect. By 1-2 weeks, you should see maximal benefit. Botox has been used by medical professionals since the 1970s and no limit to the number of times it can be used has been demonstrated. (Kristin Egan, MD, Manhattan Beach Facial Plastic Surgeon)

In my experience, the patients begin to see improvement in the first 3-5 days which increases over a total of two weeks before they see the desired result. I have everyone return at 2 weeks to reassess their treatment and if necessary add a tiny bit more since it is very easy to add a little bit more and impossible to remove. (Theodore Diktaban, MD, FACS, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)

57 Year Old Woman Treated With Botox With Dr Onir Spiegel, DDS, PhD, Boston Dentist

Botox Wrinkle Treatment

Botox shows some initial weakening of the lines and wrinkles when first injected but the effects peak between 5-7 days. There really is no limit to how long you can receive Botox treatments….but the vast majority of my Botox/Dysport patients are on a the following schedule: initial Botox or Dysport treatment complete treatment at 1 month to further weaken muscle causing unwanted line and wrinkle follow up treatments at 6 month intervals. (Francis R. Palmer, III, MD, Beverly Hills Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Botox takes a few days to start working

Botox takes a few days to start working. You should start to notice an effect by 3-4 days and then after 2 weeks, you should know the final result. (P. Daniel Ward, MD, Salt Lake City Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Botox Forehead Areas

Botox: time until results are seen

After Botox, there are immediate results and long-term results. The immediate results occur in less than a week, the muscles relax and the lines/wrinkles ease. The long-term results occur months after treatment. The lines that are no longer being folded into the skin everyday, start to fade as the body has a chance to repair them.

There is no limit to the number of times you can do Botox. You are correct that it is approximately every 4 months, but some patients can go 5 or 6 months in between treatments (especially the frown line). (Todd Minars, MD, Miami Dermatologist)

Botox Results: How long does it take to get an effect

The effect of Botox is initially seen within 3-5 days. The maximum effect of the treatment will be visible at 14 days. There is always a risk of bruising and swelling when undergoing the injections, however, these tend to be minor and resolve very quickly.

Botox Forehead Wrinkles Before And After Pic

If you have any asymmetries after Botox, or that you fell a particular area is undercorrected, please wait 2 weeks before asking your surgeon to give you a ‘top up’. (Kunaal Jindal, MD, Toronto Plastic Surgeon)

Botox result usually shows after 3-4 days

Occasionally, I have a patient tell me that their Botox effct began shortly after leaving my office. This is wrong. If you put any type of fluid in the skin, including saline, it has an effect on the nerve endings.

The actual effect is usually 3-4 days later, although some patients do report a weakening the day following adminstration.

Usually, the effect peaks after 7-10 days. However, occasionally it takes longer. For instance, I had Botox placed in myself once and it took two weeks before it began to work.

Botox lasts 2-3 months. The more freuently one has it done, the longer it lasts between sessions. (Arnold R. Oppenheim, MD, Virginia Beach Dermatologist)

How long before Botox works?

Botox inhibits the enzyme at the junction between the nerves and striated muscles. It usually takes effect 3-5 days after it is injected. I am convinced that Dysport has a shorter onset of action (works sooner) but I do not know if it lasts any longer than Botox. (Lawrence Kass, MD, Saint Petersburg Oculoplastic Surgeon)

Botox onset & repeat treatments

You will feel a volume effect and some early changes the day of injection, but actual muscle relaxation will take between 3 to 7 days typically and up to 14 days for full effect. I have been treating spasm patients with Botox since the 1980’s.

OnabotulinumtoxinA In The Treatment Of Crow’s Feet Lines

Administered properly, you can safely continue receiving treatments for years. What you should expect with time, as you get older, your dosage will gradually increase to obtain the same effect. For the frown and forehead areas, some patients experience natural biofeedback and reduce treatment frequency to every 6 months.

I prefer to adjust the dose for cosmetic patients to last at least 3 months between treatments. Allergan reformulated Botox years ago and reduced the antigen load tremendously, meaning that the possibility of developing a true allergic reaction to Botox, or developing antibodies to it rendering it ineffective, has been lowered. (Kathleen F. Archer, MD, Houston Oculoplastic Surgeon)

Botox takes effect quickly

For most patients, the effects are seen within a few days up to two weeks. The results last around 4 months, based on the national average. (Lori Stetler, MD, Dallas Dermatologic Surgeon)

Don’t panic if at first you are a little swollen!

Dr Sabrina Fabi, MD, San Diego Dermatologic Surgeon – 28 Year Old Woman Treated With Botox

You may be swollen and bruised after the injections are placed accordingly, but these are not your results.

The effects are usually seen 4-7 days after, but the ultimate peak of the product’s full potential is seen around week 2. (Yael Halaas, MD, Manhattan Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Timing of BoTox Onset

Most patients begin to notice a change in their sensation of how their forehead moves about 3-5 days after injection, and the full effect can take up to 2 weeks to set in. (Kian Eftekhari, MD, Chapel Hill Ophthalmologist)

When can I see the Botox working.

Every patient is different. The results of Botox can be seen generally anywhere from 4 days to 14 days after the injections. (Francis X. Fleming, MD, Kennewick Plastic Surgeon)

For most patients Botox starts working in about 5-7 days

For most patients, Botox begins to work around day 5-7 and peaks around days 10-14. It lasts about 3-4 most. Keep in mind that these number vary from patient to patient. (Brian Harmych, MD, Cleveland Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Botox results are seen 7-14 days after treatment and last typically 3-4 months after treatment. See someone with skill for treatment. (Jason Emer, MD, Los Angeles Dermatologic Surgeon)