When Does Botox Kick In?

Botox begins to “kick-in” in approximately 2-3 days. The full benefit won’t be seen for a week.

As the muscles stay paralyzed, those pesky wrinkles that are still present at rest tend to fade as well over the following months.

You can have the treatments for life, usually performed every 3-4 months. No limits. (Bryson G. Richards, MD, Las Vegas Plastic Surgeon)

How long till it ‘kicks in’ and how long will it last?

Botox typically takes about 2-5 days to demonstrate its effects. I recommend all of my new patients to return at 2 weeks time to assess the effect and ensure the patient is satisfied.

43 Year Old Woman Treated With Botox With Doctor Joshua Lampert, MD,FACS, Miami Plastic Surgeon

43 Year Old Woman Treated With Botox With Doctor Joshua Lampert, MD,FACS, Miami Plastic Surgeon

How long it lasts is typically 2-6 months, with most people needing repeat treatment around the 3 month mark. Patients who have received treatment for a prolonged period often find themselves need FEWER units and the effect lasting LONGER. (Bryan Correa, MD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)

Botox Results Can Be Seen In a Few Days Unless

Most people see results within 5-10 days after treatment. However, there are some variables to the time it takes for Botox to kick in. (David B. Reath, MD, Knoxville Plastic Surgeon)

5-8 days for Botox to “kick in”

It typically takes 5-8 days for Botox to “kick in” and for you to see results. Some patients say they see it sooner, but this may be temporary inflammation at the injection site. Others it may start working faster especially if they are on a routine of having their injections every 3 months.

Day 1 And Day 2 After Botox 30 Units

Day 1 And Day 2 After Botox 30 Units

Botox should be repeated every 3-4 months for full efficacy. (Christopher T. Maloney Jr., MD, Tucson Plastic Surgeon)

Botox kicks in in usually 3-7 days

Most botox starts to work in 3-7 days and lasts 3-4 months. It is safe enough to use forever and as often as you need it. (David Hansen, MD, Beverly Hills Dermatologic Surgeon)

Results in 3-10 days

I’ve seen patients that have started getting results in 3 days and others it may take up to 10 days. I tell my patients to come in after 10 days to give the Botox to give it time to kick in.

Then we will determine if more is needed. It’s much better to be conservative and add a little later. Botox is subjective depending on the look the patient is going for ex: subtle vs. no movement which determines the amount of units used.
Doctor Steve Laverson, MD, San Diego Plastic Surgeon - BotoxBotox is safe to do every 2-4 months and there is no limit on the amount of units used. (David Stoker, MD, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)

Botox takes up to one week to fully “kick in” – to see the effect of minimizing fine lines and wrinkles. Most patients do not need to return for Botox for 6 months once it has kicked in. (Sanjiv Kumar, MD, San Antonio Ophthalmologist)

How long before Botox kicks in

Botox typically starts working in 2-3 days, although maximal effect is between 7-14 days. We don’t know why, but some people see or feel improvement the same day, while others kick in much later around day 13-14.

Botox is now 20 years on the market and typically injected every 4 months, although it does seem to last a little longer with repeated treatments. There currently does not seem to be any limit to the number of treatments in one’s lifetime. (Benjamin Barankin, MD, FRCPC, Toronto Dermatologic Surgeon)

When Did Your Botox Kick In

When Does Botox Kick-In?

Botox normally takes a few days (3-5 days) before the muscles start to become paralyzed. In some, it may take a week. It varies from person to person. We typically recommend for patients to freshen up every 3-4 months.

While there is no set limit on how long you can get these injections, sometimes when the muscles are paralyzed for a long period of time, they can become weak and can atrophy. I have not encountered this too much in our practice and I do not think that this is something to concern yourself too much over.

I would recommend to every once in a while lengthen the time until your touch-ups to give your muscles some time to recover and gain strength. (Diane Walder, MD, Miami Dermatologist)

How Long Till Botox Kicks In

Full benefit of Botox, how long can one get Botox

It can take up to two weeks to see the full effect of Botox for reducing unwanted or excessive facial animation, although the effects usually start to appear in 4-5 days. Once excessive animation is controlled, the lines caused by it may continue to improve for another week.

Depending on the area being treated with Botox one can reach a point in aging when Botox is no longer a good idea. As we age and lose elasticity, sagging of parts of the face begins.

Relaxation of muscles by Botox can then make age-related sagging of eyebrows and lower eyelids worse. Your cosmetic dermatologist can advise you when you have reached that point and need to back off from Botox treatments for certain areas. (Renuka Diwan, MD, Cleveland Dermatologic Surgeon)

How Quickly Does Forehead Botox Kick In

Most people will notice some change by 2-3 days, with full effect taking about 2 weeks to kick in. The time it will take until the effects wear-off depend your own metabolism, the area injected, and the amount initially injected.

Generally, the effects should be noticeable for 3-4 months. There is no limit to the number of times one can have Botox. There is a maximum number of units that can be used at any one time, but that number is so high that it should never be reached in a regular practice setting. (Asif Pirani, MD, FRCS(C), Toronto Plastic Surgeon)

The results after Botox can take up to seven days to take affect. At two weeks, the Botox should be in full effect and minor touchups can be performed if needed. The effects of Botox should last approximately 3 to 4 months and there isn’t any rule on how long you can get Botox injections. (Austin Hayes, MD, Portland Plastic Surgeon)

Botox With Dr Shahram Salemy, MD, FACS, Seattle Plastic Surgeon

It generally takes 3-6 days for Botox to kick in and have its effects on the targeted muscles. As you know botox is not permanent. Its effects generally last for 3-6 months. Most patients return every 4 months or so for additional treatments.
(C. Bob Basu, MD, FACS, Houston Plastic Surgeon)

Botox results typically begin within 3-7 days and are typically at full effect within 10-14 days. We typically recommend repeated treatment after 3-4 months, or longer. (Thomas McFadden, MD, Greenville Plastic Surgeon)

Please wait a few days for Botox results

After receiving Botox, you will start to see results within four to seven days. Full results are usually apparent at 2 weeks. That is when I ask patients to return for touchups, if necessary. How long Botox lasts depends on the amount injected.

A standard dose can last four months, but sometimes patients prefer lighter dosing, with softer results, even though it means more frequent visits. There is no limit to how many times one can receive Botox.

Sometimes, people who have had many repeat injections will notice that the treated muscles get smaller and weaker, and they require less frequent treatments. (Melissa Chiang, MD, FAAD, Houston Dermatologic Surgeon)

The time it takes to see the results for Botox varies from person to person, but you can usually expect anywhere from three days to one week after the injections are performed. If after one week, you still don’t see the results, contact your injector to discuss your options. (Gary Motykie, MD, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)

Botox results can take place within hours, however it may take up to 10 days until the full results take place. Our patients enjoy their treatments and find that they receive the greatest benefit by receiving treatment every 3–4 months (except when receiving Botox for underarm sweating – that generally lasts 7-9 months) (Brian Coan, MD, FACS, Raleigh-Durham Plastic Surgeon)

Length of time before Botox results seen

Botox usually starts working about 3 days after getting it but can take up to 3 weeks to take full effect. There is no known limit to the number of times you can get it. (Lawrence Osman, MD, Los Angeles Dermatologic Surgeon)

Botox effect

Takes at least 2 weeks for full effect. It May start to work in 3-5 days, but sometimes it takes 8 days to notice anything. If there is no effect for 2 weeks, see your doctor again. (T.G. Khan, DO, FACS, Fort Lee Oculoplastic Surgeon)

Individual results will depend on the patient, as I have had patients see results in 24 hours, and others where a week is required to obtain any meaningful improvement. Patients will usually see a benefit for 3-4 months, and with repeated use, patients tend to get a little longer effect with dosing.

There is no limit to how long you can keep getting Botox, with Botox now becoming part of a skin rejuvenation program. (Nelson Castillo, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)