A commonly used technique for frown lines is 5 injection points using a total of 20 units. That being said, injection patterns vary by patient and physician and can range from 3-7 injection points in some cases.
However, I have never heard of or seen only 1 injection for the entire glabellar complex. (Shaun Patel, MD, Miami Physician)
It is typically treated with 5 injections. One in the procerus, and 2 in the corrugators. 20 units is the FDA approved dosing for this area. (Steven F. Weiner, MD, Panama City Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Treating the Glabellar Complex is just that: treating multiple areas for the desired effect. There are 3 muscles to paralyze when attempting to get rid of the “11s”. 2 corrugator muscles and one procerus.
They are all pretty strong muscles, therefore each corrugator needs 2 injections and the procerus one.
Blocking Nerve Impulses, Which Reduces The Movement Of Those Muscles
Getting a single injection will not be effective for all 3 muscles. (Tianna Tsitsis, MD, Mount Vernon Physician)
It is pretty standard to inject 20 units into the glabella from one syringe, but generally it is divided between 5 injection sites. (Kenne Ogunmakin, MD, Katy Dermatologic Surgeon)
Best injection site for glabella Botox
The official recommendation for injecting botox in the glabella is 5 injection sites in a v shape in the area between the eyebrows. If you only inject a single area in the middle you run the risk of not getting all the muscles treated that need to be treated for a good cosmetic result.
It is also possible to end up with eyebrow on a slant giving the ‘fu manchu’ appearance. (Clifton Smith, MD, Lexington Physician)
Botox Was The First Neuromodulator Of This Class To Be Approved By The FDA
it takes several injections to paralyze the multiple muscles in the glabellar area. Botox can be diluted with less saline to have more units per injection , but 1 injection would not cover all the required muscles.
Sometimes if I have a few units ” left over”, Instead of wasting it , I may inject 1 site on the glabellar procerus muscle (center of the frown line) which will have some clinical effect , but I tell the patient what I’m doing since it’s not the standard treatment. (Drew Varano, MD, Washington DC Physician)
Injection sites for glabella
Injection of the glabellar complex requires a total of 20 units divided into 5 injection sites–one in the middle and 2 on each side being careful to stay away from the brows. See a board certified dermatologist or plastic surgeon who is competent in the use of Botox. (Melvin Elson, MD, Nashville Dermatologist)
How Is The Procedure Performed
One injection of 20 units
This is definitely an atypical method of injection, though not out of realm of possibility. I have seen prominent injectors utilize this technique in the crows area. (Nasimeh Yazdani, MD, Santa Monica Internist)
Botox treatment of the glabella “11” lines usually involves injection of at least 20 units over 5 injection sites. This technique can be modified as far as dosage and number of injection sites based on each person’s needs, however, I have never heard of one injection containing 20 units being given to treat this area.
This approach will likely be ineffective for you. Please make sure you are seeing an experienced physician injector for optimal results. (Michael A. Zadeh, MD, FACS, Sherman Oaks General Surgeon)
It is possible to receive 20 units in a single injection – however, this is not the best technique. The muscles that create these lines are long and in two separate locations just above the eyes.
These muscles require multiple smaller injections (adding up to 15 or 20 units) to be sure that the botox is spread evenly.
The risk of a single injection is that the muscle is significantly weakened in one area and unaffected in another. (Jonathan Cabin, MD, Beverly Hills Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Most commonly Botox is injected into 5 injection points in the glabella or frown line area. It would not make sense to inject 20 units as a single injection. Make sure that you are seeing an experienced injector, preferably a physician. (Richard Ort, MD, Lone Tree Dermatologic Surgeon)
20 U with a single injection
20 Units with a single injection is not credible; this is because the botox is being injected into muscles and for example several muscles need to be affected for appropriate response. Let us just take the 11s which require paralysis of three muscles, 2 corrugators and a single procerus.
How Soon After Treatment Will I See The Results
Well all three muscles cannot be treated with a single injection as they are located in different areas. (Arian Mowlavi, MD, FACS, Orange County Plastic Surgeon)
20 units of Botox in the glabella area is a reasonable dose. Usually in this area the dose is divided between 3-5 injection sites. To only inject one muscle would not address the problem as there are several muscles involved in causing the 11’s to form. (Jean M. Casello, MD, Northborough Physician)
To treat the 11’s the injections are performed in several locations since there are muscles on both sides of the midline which are responsible for them. One injection site cannot reach the muscles on both sides. (Yuly Gorodisky, DO, FACOS, Oxnard Plastic Surgeon)
Botox: injection technique for the 11s
Botox ( like Xeomin and Dysport) is a medication injected into target muscles of the face to selectively relax them for fewer/softer wrinkles. The medication needs to reach each muscle to work. The typical dose for the 11’s (glabellar complex) is 20 units divided into injections of each target muscle (4 corrugator and 1 procerus muscles).
Some patients may require more than 20 units. And stronger muscles will need more than weaker muscles, so I may put 7 on one side and 5 on the other. May patients have never had a consultation before their first Botox injection.
It’s important to evaluate the face before any treatment. Safety comes first. (Victor Chung, MD, San Diego Facial Plastic Surgeon)
20 units does sound like average dosing for the Glabella but not it being injected in 1 site. Often 3-5 sites are injected when treating the Glabella. (Leonard Lu, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)
Say Goodbye To Frown Lines
There typically needs to be anywhere from 3 to 5 injection sites to relax this muscle. (Steven Swengel, MD, Los Gatos Dermatologic Surgeon)
For Botox to treat the “11’s” or glabella area, typically multiple injections are placed in the muscle to get it to relax. Treating the area with only one injection is a technique that I have not heard or read any literature describing.
Your results should be visible in about a week, so depending on your result I would suggest you follow up with your injector. Dr Edween. (Julie Edween, DO, Beverly Hills Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Usually to treat this area I will usually do 3-5 injection sites. (Tracy Leong, MD, Carlsbad Dermatologic Surgeon)
It is possible to have 20 units of botox in a single syringe. That is fairly common however if you mean your doctor injected you in one spot and injected 20u all at once that is not the proposed means of blocking that area.
The Effects Of Treatment Take 1-2 Days To Begin And Continue To Improve For 7 Days
Im my practice I place about 6 units into the procerous ( kid of at the bridge of your nose) then 5u to the depressors ( near where your eyebrows end and the nose begins) and 2u to each corrugated somewhere between your middle brow depending on each persons anatomy.
So its 5 different needle sticks and 20 units total. that is the preferred method. (Glenn Messina, MD, Commack Physician)
There has never been any recommendation in any research, medical literature, medical meetings, or even doc to doc communication supporting a single injection of 20 units of Botox to treat the globular 11’s. Putting 20 units of Botox with a single injection in a single spot is not recommended and would put a patient at risk for Botox complications. (Michael A. Persky, MD, Encino Facial Plastic Surgeon)
There are several ways we can inject botox at the glabella complex.
One single injection of 20 units is possible, but not common. If your results are not the same as with previous injections, I recommend going back to your practitioner. (Alain Michon, MD, Ottawa Physician)
The “11” are an area that is commonly treated with Botox and around 20 units is the recommended dosage. Bolus injection of 20 units with one single injection is not a practice that I am aware of.
The anatomy of the muscles that cause the “11s” cannot be adequately/effectively treated with one injection. If I were you, I would follow up with your provider as this single injection technique may not be effective. (Calvin Jung, MD, Houston Physician)
Usually people require 20-30 units in the glabella (between the brow) with injections into specific sites. It can take up to 1-2 weeks for your final results with Botox. If you’re unhappy with your final results, I recommend getting a formal evaluation with a cosmetic dermatologist for a touch-up.
The Treatment Consists Of Several Injections Of A Solution Into The Targeted Muscle Groups
You can injection this in one injection or multiple ones , typically if one injections is used it may not give hte best cosmetic outcome in this area. (Jason Emer, MD, Los Angeles Dermatologic Surgeon)
One injection to the glabella is not a normal standard. Usually there are 5 points to inject to fully correct the glabella. You should expect to see results within 1-2 weeks post injection. I would reach out the injector if you did not achieve the results you were hoping for. (Renee Burke, MD, Barrington Plastic Surgeon)
Although 20 units is commonly used to inject the glabella area, I am not aware of any technique using only one injection site to relax the entire glabella area. (Laurene DiPasquale, MD, Westwood Physician)
There is increasing evidence that we may be able to deliver higher doses with fewer injections to areas of wrinkling. That said, its not commonly employed yet.
Most importantly, have a highly trained & experienced injector treating you (e.g. dermatologist) for optimal results & safety. (Benjamin Barankin, MD, FRCPC, Toronto Dermatologic Surgeon)
FDA approved use of Botox for the glabellar complex is indeed 20 units however this is typically distributed via 5 injection points into specific muscles; procerus and corrugators. (Paul Pietro, MD, Greenville Physician)