Botox Treatment Minimally Painful

Botox is injected into the areas being treated with a very small syringe and very small needle. The injections themselves are fairly quick as well. Most of our patients find the treatment very easy and never even ask about topical numbing (anesthesia).

I have never had a patient complain about the pain of getting Botox nor have I had a patient not come back for Botox because of discomfort during the treatment. Botox is considered a fairly painless and very safe procedure. (Channing R. Barnett, MD, Boca Raton Dermatologist)

Botox is usually associated with minimal discomfort, but technique is important in your experience

The injections of botox are administered with a very small needle. This size needle is the one used for most diabetic patients who give themselves injections several times a day. Many clinicians help “numb” the site with ice, or for those who are very sensitive, with a topical numbing cream.

Botox Injections Are Mostly Painless

Each little injection is very quick and therefore the discomfort,if any, is very quick. Most patients would tell you that the minor discomfort associated with the treatment was well worth the outcome they enjoy. (Armando Soto, MD, FACS, Orlando Plastic Surgeon)

Botox should not be painful

Every day I have a patient comment how simple their first Botox treatment was. They were often worried that the injections would hurt and are surprised how little discomfort they felt.

It is easily one of the safest, highest satisfaction and painless cosmetic procedures you can have– that’s why it is so popular. (Jeffrey C. Poole, MD, Metairie Dermatologic Surgeon)

Botox injections offer little discomfort

Botox is administered through a very small needle into the muscle. There are several ways to administer Botox to reduce any discomfort from the needle stick. In my office, simply applying a cold pack to the forehead affords enough of a “numbing” sensation to allow for easy injection with little to no discomfort. (David Bogue, MD, Boca Raton Plastic Surgeon)

Botox Injections Are Not Painful

Botox should be relatively pain-LESS

Based on comments, Botox injections, for most part, are well-tolerated and relatively pain-free. In our practice, we use topical numbing creams to make the treatment more comfortable. (J. Vicente P. Poblete, MD, Cleveland Plastic Surgeon)

Pain from injecting Botox

Botox injection are done with the finest smallest needle. The use of ice in the area before injection will make the injection much less painful and may not feel it. I have never seen a patient who could not tolerate a Botox injection. (Samir Shureih, MD, Baltimore Plastic Surgeon)

Botox injections involve very mild pain

Botox injections are fast and the pain associated with an injections instantly resolves once the needle is withdrawn. All of our patients tolerate this pain excellent and return for repeat Botox treatments without hesitation. (Steven Hacker, MD, West Palm Beach Dermatologic Surgeon)

Botox Is Generlally Not Deemed Painful

Less pain with Botox injections with these simple steps

Botox is injected in the muscle with very fine tip needles. The pain is very minimal. You can ask to use ice before injection to help minimize the discomfort. There is also a topical numbing cream that can be applied 15 minutes before injection. (Vincent N. Zubowicz, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)

No pain, big gain with Botox injections

There are several things that experienced injectors do to eliminate pain with Botox or Dysport injections. Ice pads, choosing the right fluid to mix it in, being efficient with technique all contribute. Even needle-phobic patients are usually surprised at how easy it is and come back.

Because of the way these products work so specifically on the hyperactive muscles of expression, there is just no non-injectable alternative anyway. (Richard Baxter, MD, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)

Botox Is Not Painful

Botox injections produce little pain

Botox injections are fairly benign. If you are very fearful, you can have topical anesthetic placed before the injections, and then they are practically pain-free. You probably will not even feel the needle go into the skin. (Steven Wallach, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)

Botox can be painless

Botox injections can be done painlessly or almost painlessly, with or without a cold spray to numb the skin. Also, it depends on how concentrated the Botox is. If it is very concentrated, such a small amount of liquid is injected in with the Botox that it should be very comfortable when injected, as long as the needle is very small and the injector very gentle. (Lorrie Klein, MD, Laguna Niguel Dermatologic Surgeon)

Botox Pain

Both Botox and Dysport are great for blocking facial wrinkles and have minimal discomfort which if present only last a few seconds. It is one of the most effective ways to treat facial lines with minimal discomfort and quick and effective response. (William J. Hedden, MD, Birmingham Plastic Surgeon)

Botox or Dysport should be nearly painless and well worth it

I love Botox/Dysport and so do my patients. As a facial plastic surgeon I am a platinum provider of Botox and have treated thousands of patients. I can’t tell you how many thousands of patients have told me that my treatments are nearly painless.

In fact, I love it when new patients tell me that they had it in the past elsewhere and it was painful, then when I do the treatment it was almost painless. So, the answer can really be that it depends on who is doing the treatment.

Don’t Fear Botox Pain

You can try ice, or cold air or something on the skin before hand but that really should not be necessary with a good practitioner. (Robert F. Gray, MD, FACS, Bay Area Facial Plastic Surgeon)
BOTOX is painless

Okay, BOTOX isn’t painless, though almost every person I inject who was previously worried about the injections is shocked by how simple, quick, and relatively painless the procedure is. Most people comment that it feels like a mosquito bite, or in most cases even less than a mosquito bite.

Pain is never a concern with BOTOX, though pain/discomfort is certainly more common with the fillers. (Benjamin Barankin, MD, FRCPC, Toronto Dermatologic Surgeon)

Ice compress prior to Botox or Dysport injections can minimize discomfort

Botox or Dysport is typically injected with 32 gauge needle, smallest sized needle available. The discomfort is minimal and the edge can be taken off with ice compress just prior to injection. Topical numbing cream is typically not necessary. (William Ting, MD, Bay Area Dermatologic Surgeon)

Everyone Agrees That Botox Is Not Painful

Botox injections should not hurt

The discomfort varies with the area injected and the size of the needle. Most people use a 30 or 31 gauge needle which is very small. I use a 31 gauge in my practice, and my patients have reported that it is a comfortable procedure.

The most sensitive area is usually the crows-feet, as the skin is the most delicate and thinnest there. If you are concerned, you can ask for some numbing cream to be applied for several minutes before the procedure, or you can use ice packs for numbing.

In general it is a comfortable and quick procedure. (Jordana S. Gilman, MD, Washington Dermatologic Surgeon)

Botox is not painful

Botox injections are done with a very, very small needle. Smaller in most cases than any other injection you have ever had. This helps to minimize any discomfort associated with treatment. For most, the procedure feels like a very small pin prick at the site of the injection and is very tolerable.

Is Botox Treatment Painful

For those that are more sensitive we provide cooling packs and/or cold air. These work well to minimize any pain associated with Botox injection. (Harold J. Kaplan, MD, Los Angeles Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Pain and less pain with Botox injections

Any injection can be felt, but with botox, a very small needle is used. A machine that blows very cold air can be helpful in distracting this sensation. (Barry E. DiBernardo, MD, Montclair Plastic Surgeon)

Botox shouldn’t be painful

Botox injections really should be painless, it really depends on the injector. My patients seem to have no discomfort. If a patient is nervous or not good with needles, we could then numb the area with a cold pack or anesthetic cream prior to injecting.

Discomfort is usually minimal and brief. (Bruce E. Katz, MD, New York Dermatologic Surgeon)

Botox Injections: Reducing Pain and Discomfort

Botox is constituted in an inert normal saline solution that is not painful on injection. In my practice in Santa Monica, I strictly use a 31 gauge needle for injection. This minimizes any semblance of pain during injection.

Further, we complement the injections with ice packs, numbing creams, and other methods of pain reduction. (Raffy Karamanoukian, MD, FACS, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)

Botox pain depends on the injector

Not all injectors of botox are the same. A good injector can deliver a pain free experience without ice or topical anesthetic. An inexperienced injector can create excessive swelling, bruising, pain, and most importantly a poor aesthetic result uncomplimentary to the face. (Anil R. Shah, MD, Chicago Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Botox Should Not be Painful

Typically there is only mild and very temporary discomfort associated with a Botox injection. A very small needle is used and in my office, we always ice the are to be treated first which seems to reduce discomfort significantly.

Another key to providing a comfortable procedure, whether ir is Botox or any aesthetic medical treatment is providing patients with a comfortable, peaceful environment. We do our best to make sure patients know what to exactly what to expect and gently talk them through the process.

Although Botox itself itself is a very quick procedure, patients should not feel rushed and they should feel comfortable with the person providing the injection. Any discomfort one experiences with Botox lasts only as long as the injection itself. (Michael Law, MD, Raleigh-Durham Plastic Surgeon)