Look successful botox for forehead lines photos from real patients and compare results.
Botox is excellent for treating forehead wrinkles. Botox works to “freeze” the muscle that causes these lines.
If this muscle is unable to move, these lines are less likely to form, and, even better, less likely to worsen and become deeper over time.
Keep in mind if the lines are still present at rest, the Botox may not completely smooth these lines.
Botox is most effective for treating “dynamic” lines caused by muscle movement. Combined with a good skincare regimen, Botox should be extremely beneficial.
An experienced provider can evaluate your skin and determine the best treatment plan for your needs. (Kent V. Hasen, MD, Naples Plastic Surgeon)
Dr Thomas J. Walker, MD, Atlanta Facial Plastic Surgeon – 43 Year Old Woman Treated With Botox For Forehead Lines
Botox can be a great way to reduce forehead lines in appropriate candidates. The forehead is one of the areas most commonly treated with Botox. It’s important to see a skilled, board-certified dermatologist for injection, as incorrect placement in the forehead can result in a drooping brow.
When done correctly, however, many patients see a vast improvement in their forehead lines. (Kory Kitagawa, MD, Honolulu Dermatologist)
Botox and Dysport work great on forehead lines. After several months of your first Botox injection there may be almost no obvious visible lines on your forehead.
The injections should be done in such a way that the forehead lines appear to completely disappear, while preserving a natural expression and the arch of your eyebrows stays unchanged.
Search for a board certified provider to perform your injections. (Leyda Elizabeth Bowes, MD, Miami Dermatologic Surgeon)
Botox can certainly work for creases and lines on the forehead, smoothing them significantly. Typically on the average, I do about 10 to 12 units on the forehead but the units might be higher than this depending on how big the forehead is and the severity of the lines.
Have a professional do this for you because the method and pattern of injection are very important, especially if more than 10 units are injected in the forehead. If not performed properly, you will feel a very heavy forehead.
Other complications include droopiness of the eyebrows. IF not done uniformly, you will have no lines on one side of the forehead and some lines on the other. This is one of my favorite areas to do and you will love the result. (Ben Behnam, MD, Santa Monica Dermatologic Surgeon)
Botox For Forehead Lines Before And After Photos
- 25 Year Old Woman Treated With Botox For Forehead Lines With Doctor Mark A. McCune, MD, Overland Park Dermatologic Surgeon
- Dr. T.G. Khan, DO, FACS, Fort Lee Oculoplastic Surgeon - 48 Year Old Man Treated With Botox For Forehead Lines
- 36 Year Old Female Treated For Forehead Wrinkles Before After By Doctor Michael Marion, MD, Sandy Plastic Surgeon
- 40 Year Old Woman Treated With Botox For Forehead Lines With Dr. Dominic Brandy, MD, Pittsburgh Physician
- 42 Year Old Man Treated With Botox For Forehead Lines By Dr Deborah Sillins, MD, Cincinnati Plastic Surgeon
- Doctor George Solomon, MD, Palm Harbor Physician - 24 Year Old Woman Treated With Botox For Forehead Lines
- Dr Cylburn E. Soden Jr., MD, Laurel Dermatologic Surgeon - 64 Year Old Woman Treated With Botox For Forehead Lines
- Doctor Peter N. Butler, MD, Pensacola Plastic Surgeon - 38 Year Old Woman Treated With Botox For Forehead Lines
- Dr Marc Cohen, MD, Philadelphia Oculoplastic Surgeon - 49 Year Old Man Treated With Botox For Forehead Lines
- Dr Thomas J. Walker, MD, Atlanta Facial Plastic Surgeon - 41 Year Old Woman Treated With Botox In The Glabella, Crows Feet, And Forehead Areas.
- Dr Wayne Wertheim, MD, Long Island Physician - 32 Year Old Woman Treated With Botox For Forehead Lines
- Dr. Alex Eshaghian, MD, PhD, Encino Physician - 40 Year Old Man Treated With Botox For Forehead Lines
- Dr. Jeffrey E. Schreiber, MD, FACS, Baltimore Plastic Surgeon - Botox Treatment For Forehead And Brow Wrinkles
- Dr. Samuel Hetz, MSc, MD, Ottawa Physician - 26 Year Old Woman Treated With Botox For Forehead Lines