Botox For Elevens
Botox for “elevens”
Botox works great for this area. The glabellar complex is the area most commonly treated with Botox, sometimes we call the lines “elevens” because when the muscle contracts the lines formed look like an “11”.
I would think 20 units of Botox would smoothen those lines out well. (Tracy Katz, MD, Houston Dermatologic Surgeon)
Most common place for Botox
The glabella is one of the most common areas to be treated with Botox in my practice. These dynamic wrinkles are the result of the contraction of the corrugator musculature.
I have routinely obtain complete resolution of these creases with the use of one injection site per side and the results will typically last for 3 months. (Jacque P. LeBeau, MD, Pensacola Facial Plastic Surgeon)

A Simple Nonsurgical Treatment
Botox for forehead wrinkles
Botox would seem to be a good option for the frown lines. Botox would be able to treat the glabella area. You should be able to get between 3 – 6 months of correction. (Kris M. Reddy, MD, FACS, West Palm Beach Plastic Surgeon)
Botox can help frown lines. Usually it requires between 20-25 units via 4-5 injection sites that takes about 30 seconds total. It will need to be repeated every 2-4 months to keep the muscles quiet. (James Motlagh, MD, Tyler Plastic Surgeon)
Botox is perfect for these dynamic forehead lines
Botox is perfect in these lines of forehead. It will easily freeze the glabella area and the area of the upper brow. The Botox should last from 4 to 6 months and should look natural. Be sure to go seek someone who has alot of experience with injections to get the best results. (Michele S. Green, MD, New York Dermatologist)
The area between the eyebrows called the “Glabella” and is one of the main areas where Botox is used. Be sure to go to an experienced Botox MD as injection of Botox too close to the eyebrows can cause them to droop. (Francis R. Palmer, III, MD, Beverly Hills Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Botox to forehead lines, either vertical or horizontal, can result in marked improvement, particularly in dynamic wrinkles. (Kenneth B. Hughes, MD, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)
Botox and frown lines
Vertical frown lines are usually very easy to erase or at least soften significantly using Botox or Dysport. The neurotoxins will relax the muscles between the eyebrows and then the lines will soften and fade over time. (Jason R. Lupton, MD, San Diego Dermatologic Surgeon)

Botox Generally Lasts 3-4 Months
Botox will help soften facial lines of animation like the ones you demonstrate that come from corrugator muscle activation. (Steven Wallach, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)
Forehead lines will improve with Botox
Elevens should be responsive to Botox. It goes without saying, however, that sun exposure contributes to premature aging so, if you love those rays, please use and reapply sunscreen! (Robert L. Kraft, MD, FACS, New York Plastic Surgeon)
Botox for frown lines
The first area Botox was approved to treat was the area between the eyebrows. If you have no lines that remain when you totally relax the area, you will get an excellent result from Botox injection to the area.
Use of Bromelin and Arnica that you can get from a health food store or many physician offices or drinking Pineapple juice before the injection can reduce the small chance of bruising from the injection. (Robert T. Buchanan, MD, Highlands Plastic Surgeon)

Temporarily Smooth Moderate To Severe Wrinkles
Elevens should respond to Botox very well. Many of us call these the 11’s because squeezing this muscle makes wrinkles that look like the number “11”.
This is one of the cases where I think that early treatment does allow for complete correction and the longer you wait the harder that might become. (Jo Herzog, MD, Birmingham Dermatologist)
The lines you are expressing concerns about (between eyebrows) are exactly the lines that Botox received it’s initial FDA approval for cosmetic use. These frown lines will respond extremely well with approximately 20 units of Botox and you will see smoothing of the area within a few days.
Have fun as you are going to love the product. (Harold J. Kaplan, MD, Los Angeles Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Botox is the number one treatment for the glabella region, the elevens. I would recommend 25 units for this area – and a good sunscreen everyday too! (F. Victor Rueckl, MD, Las Vegas Dermatologist)

The Areas Of Treatment With BOTOX Include The Frown Lines Between The Eyes
Botox treatments work well for frown lines.
You may consider a Botox treatment to reduce the appearance of frown lines. You may require around 25u to achieve a desired result. (Eric M. Joseph, MD, West Orange Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Botox is FDA approved to treat the “11’s” or frown lines between the eyes
Botox will help reduce the expression that creates those lines and that will help reduce the lines there.
If the lines are very deep, they will soften over time but may not disappear with Botox treatments alone and may also need a filler for best results. The results of the Botox treatments typically last about 3 -5 months, however the less you make that expression, the fewer treatments you’ll need. (Doris Day, MD, New York Dermatologic Surgeon)
The dynamic vertical lines between eyebrows and the horizontal lines on forehead should be very amenable to Botox treatment and still give you a natural appearance. (David Shafer, MD, FACS, New York Plastic Surgeon)