Are Fillers And Botox The Same Thing?

Botox works by relaxing the muscles that cause dynamic wrinkles. Injectable fillers work by filling in the space under the wrinkle and raising it, as well as by possibly increasing hydration to the area, or stimulating the body to lay down its own collagen.

The greatest crossover areas are the marionette lines on the chin, and nasolabial folds at the base of the nose.

The frown lines between the eyebrows (glabellar wrinkles) must be filled with extreme care because of the risk of ulceration. (Karen Vaniver, MD, Kennewick Plastic Surgeon)

Botox works by paralyzing the muscle that causes skin wrinkling. Juvederm and Restylane are for static wrinkles to fill in volume loss.

They are used in different areas of the face. (Raffy Karamanoukian, MD, FACS, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)

Before And After Restylane On Fine Lines

Before And After Restylane On Fine Lines

Botox and Dermal fillers are designed to accomplish different goals.

Botox is designed to relax muscles that cause wrinkles and fine lines, whereas dermal fillers like Restylane are used to fill larger folds and creases (such as the laugh lines) There are two areas of the face where we find the products work well together.

For some patients that have VERY deep vertical lines between the eyes, Botox is not enough to smooth the area and dermal fillers are required to remove these lines.

On the upper lip, smoker’s lines are diminished but not always removed completely with a few units of Botox.

Combined with a small volume of Restylane above the lips, we can usually make them disappear!. (Harold J. Kaplan, MD, Los Angeles Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Both Botox And Restylane Are Used To Treat Wrinkles

Both Botox And Restylane Are Used To Treat Wrinkles

Botox/Dysport and Restylane/Juvederm can be a great combo!

They aren’t used for the exact same problems, but for sure in the right situation a little Botox or Dysport can be complimented synergistically with a hyaluronic acid filler.

One good example of this is in the frown line area where well placed Botox can prevent future creasing, and the filler can help smooth out existing creases right away, instead of having to wait months for the Botox to passively smooth. (Jessica J. Krant, MD, MPH, New York Dermatologic Surgeon)

Botox and fillers used together

Botox and fillers can be used together, but i would say in general it is not the best. Only in certain areas are they utilized in tandem, such as in the peri-oral or around the mouth area.

Botox And Fillers Are Used To Treat Different Wrinkles

Botox And Fillers Are Used To Treat Different Wrinkles

This combination fills the lips and wrinkles, while the Botox softens the lines. In the forehead Botox is the best to eliminate expression lines and fillers are primarily used in the smile lines and cheeks.

Botox works to paralyze muscle while fillers do just that, fill lines and augment soft tissue. (Andrew P. Trussler, MD, Austin Plastic Surgeon)

Botox works by relaxing specific muscles that, when they contract, cause wrinkles. Fillers, such as Restylane, add volume.

These products are complementary as they do different things. It is common to use Botox and fillers together to relax muscles in certain areas and add volume to other areas.

The decision on whether both are needed depends on each patient’s specific problems. (Edmond A. Zingaro, MD, San Francisco Plastic Surgeon)

Filler To Treat Wrinkles And Folds That Are Caused By Gravity And Loss Of Volume

Filler To Treat Wrinkles And Folds That Are Caused By Gravity And Loss Of Volume

Botox and fillers work well together

Facial wrinkles comprise both dynamic and static etiologies. Botox and Dysport and fillers complment each other very well as they address both triggers of wrinkles. Botox and Dysport are botulinum toxins that work well to minimize dynamic wrinkles caused by involuntary contraction of facial muscles on forehead, between eyebrows and crows feet.

Static facial lines are due to loss of connective tissue, i.e. volume underneath the skin. Filler injections utilizing Restylane, Perlane, Juvederm, Evolence, Radiesse, and Sculptra in the hands of experienced physician injectors can take years off by minimizing deeper valleys and re-inflating the facial volume. (William Ting, MD, Bay Area Dermatologic Surgeon)

Botox for dynamic wrinkles and filler for static lines

Botox can be and is often used along with fillers like Restylane. Botox works to relax facial muscles to reduce “dynamic” wrinkles while filler can buttress “static” wrinkles, lines and folds that are imprinted on the skin. (Stephen Weber, MD, FACS, Denver Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Botox To Treat Lines On The Upper Half Of The Face

Botox and dermal fillers are a great combination

Botox works on dynamic wrinkles on the face (wrinkles that are created from muscle movements such as the vertical lines between the eyebrows, forehead lines and crow’s feet) and dermal fillers works to correct the static wrinkles (wrinkles that are present all the time like the the lines around the mouth) or do increase volume in the face or lips.

So the combination of these different products can used to create aesthetic result. (Steven E. Rasmussen, MD, FAAD, Austin Dermatologist)

Botox is used to temporarily paralyze the underlying muscle to smooth out the overlying skin. This is most effective around the eyes for the “crow’s feet,” between the eyebrows for the frown lines, and in the forehead for wrinkles.

Filler To Treat Lines On The Lower Half Of The Face

Products such as Juvederm and Restylane work by adding volume. These products are also used in the larger creases of the face, such as round the mouth, where Botox is not used. (David Shafer, MD, FACS, New York Plastic Surgeon)

Botox and Filler can be a great combination!

Botox/Dysport works best for dynamic wrinkles (lines between your eyebrows), where fillers(Juvederm, Restylane,Radiesse) work best for static wrinkles (the fold beside your nose). However, there are times when the dynamic wrinkle is so deep that the relaxation from Botox isn’t satisfactory and a filler will help improve the wrinkle.

In addition, it is believed that the combination of Botox and filler will maintain a longer lasting improvement. (Paul Blair, MD, Hurricane Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Doctor Grant Stevens, MD, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon – Restylane

Botox and Restylane Best When Used Appropriately

I frequently see people who went to other doctors and look strange from excess volume of fillers in an attempt by a doctor to “keep them away from the knife”.

Care must always be taken on what is used and for what kind of desired outcome. (Amiya Prasad, MD, New York Oculoplastic Surgeon)

Botox plus Fillers, Often a great combo!

Depending on the situation, Botox and filler like Restylane and Juvederm can work great together.

For more advanced creases between the eyebrows, the combined treatment can have amazing results. Typically, once the filler (Restylane/Juvederm) is put into the crease, no further filling is necessary provided you continue to be faithful to a Botox routine.

Fillers can be used on most creases in the face, while Botox is a bit more limited because of its affect on facial expressions. Horizontal forehead creases are the exception as they tend not to do well with fillers, only Botox. (Louis W. Apostolakis, MD, Austin Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Combining Botox with a filler is a good treatment

Botox works to weaken facial muscles selectively to lessen the appearance of wrinkles and aging lines. Restylane works to fill in lines. The combination of the two can work in an additive way to improve lines and provide more non-surgical rejuvenation. (David J. Levens, MD, Coral Springs Plastic Surgeon)

Botox and Wrinkle filler

Botox and wrinkle filler like Restylane and Juvederm can be used together. As a matter of fact, I like to combine Botox and wrinkle filler to obtain the best non-surgical facial rejuvenation. Botox acts by relaxing the muscles that cause the wrinkles and the fillers act by filling the wrinkles and the folds.

Additionally, the filler provide volume which was lost due to aging. By combining these two modality, I am able to obtain excellent results. The results of Botox and filler may also depend on the person who is injecting it.

Excelent knowlegde of anatomy is required to obtain excellent results. Plastic surgeons are especially trained in facial anatomy. (Stanley Okoro, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)